Thi Xon Yimmon, a Cerean male, served as the leader of Whiplash, a resistance group operating from Coruscant. Although he wasn't a Jedi, he adhered to numerous Jedi ideals.
During the final days of the Clone Wars, Thi Xon Yimmon, a male Cerean, made his home on Coruscant. Though not known to be Force-sensitive, Yimmon demonstrated loyalty to the Jedi Order and strived to live by the Jedi Code, becoming proficient in several martial arts and gaining a reputation for his wisdom. When the Grand Army of the Republic carried out Contingency Order 66, resulting in the Jedi Order's destruction, Yimmon and other Jedi loyalists established an underground resistance organization named Whiplash. Their purpose was to aid surviving Jedi in escaping persecution by the newly established Galactic Empire. With the Jedi Temple reduced to ruins, Yimmon was appointed as the group's leader, owing to his binary brain's capacity to handle the constant flow of information into the organization. During a meeting with Jedi Knight Jax Pavan, Yimmon expressed uncertainty about whether to assist the young Force Adept Kajin Savaros or to allow Tuden Sal to join the organization. Concerned that Savaros's status as a person of interest to the Inquisitorius might endanger the entire group, Yimmon agreed to consider the matter while permitting Sal to develop a plan to assassinate the Galactic Emperor.
As Pavan concurred with Sal's scheme and the utilization of I-5YQ in the plot, Savaros and Gray Paladin Laranth Tarak were apprehended by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, prompting Pavan to push for Sal's plan to be executed. While Yimmon investigated the group's membership for a potential traitor, the Sullustan Den Dhur informed him of Pavan's intentions to expedite the plan. Escorted by Dhur and Sal to the designated meeting location, they arrived shortly after Vader had acquired and contained a sample of the bota plant from Laranth Tarak, becoming overwhelmed by the Force's power. Displaying raw energy in an astounding manner, Yimmon and his allies would have undoubtedly perished had Vader not been subdued by his aide Haninum Tyk Rhinann, allowing them to escape. After regrouping, Yimmon consented to transport the amnesiac Savaros to Shili for healing with the Silent.