
Niquon served as the Jedi Watchman responsible for the protection of Yabosta along with its lunar satellite, Skalokor.


Located on Skalokor, Niquon instructed his Padawan, Nason Laric. Among his associates were Lowghen Badra and Borta, a member of the Dolandu species. On one occasion, Niquon dispatched Laric to deliver the remnants of an assassin droid, which Borta had found, to Lowghen Badra on Yabosta. The Dark Jedi known as Von Totha ambushed Laric, intending to remove him as an obstacle so that she, or those aligned with her, could freely carry out an assassination attempt on Niquon. However, Lowghen Badra aided in his escape. Subsequently, Laric saved Niquon from a Drethi dispatched to Skalokor by Totha's organization.

