Nason Laric

Nason Laric, a male Human Jedi Padawan, was instructed in the ways of the Force by Niquon on the planet Skalokor. Laric's weapon of choice was a green lightsaber.


On one occasion, Niquon dispatched Laric to deliver the remnants of an assassin droid, found by Borta, to Lowghen Badra situated on Yabosta. However, an unidentified Dark Jedi apprentice serving Von Totha ambushed Laric, aiming to remove him as an obstacle, thereby enabling her or her associates to freely target Niquon for assassination. Lowghen Badra aided Laric in his escape. Subsequently, he saved Niquon from a Drethi dispatched to Skalokor by Totha's organization.

