
Skalokor represented the second lunar satellite orbiting the planetary body of Yabosta, according to its world's moon legends.

Description and history

This particular moon's surface was characterized by dense forests and dangerous, rugged mountains, and served as the home world of the Dolandu, a sentient species of white-furred humanoids. Stomorr was one known trading settlement located on this moon. On one occasion, forces under the command of the Dark Jedi apprentice known as Von Totha launched an assault on it. Totha's goal was the assassination of a Jedi Master residing in close proximity to the village. This Jedi Master, named Niquon, successfully repelled all of Totha's forces, with the exception of a drethi, a winged creature possessing Force-targeting venom. Ultimately, the drethi met its demise at the hands of Niquon's Padawan learner, Nason Laric.

