Lowghen Badra was a pilot of the Human species and a comrade to the Jedi Master known as Niquon.
On the planet of Yabosta, Badra was employed as a technician at his own establishment, Badra's Engineering and Repair. One evening during his work hours, Nason Laric, who was Niquon's Padawan, showed up with the damaged components of an assassin droid.
Badra took apart the droid, discovering that it utilized deadly Drethi poison. He then concluded that Nason needed to go back to Skalokor with the cure. During their journey, they were ambushed by a pair of Rodian groups. Badra offered to delay them, creating a barrage of return fire, allowing Nason to get to his Cloudjumper and get away. Right after this, an apprentice serving the Dark Jedi Von Totha showed up with the intention of killing the young Jedi. Laric managed to overcome the arrogant apprentice, which allowed a wounded Badra to come to the hangar and go back to Yabosta with Laric.