Modular taskforce cruiser

The modular taskforce cruiser, alternatively referred to as the Imperial star hauler, represented a class of support vessel manufactured by Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited for the forces of the Dark Empire. These spacecraft were designed to be adaptable platforms, accepting various Mission Function Modules that could be installed and swapped out as needed. In the year 10 ABY, the modular taskforce cruiser known as the Reliance became the target of an infiltration operation conducted by New Republic commandos with the objective of striking at the citadel belonging to Emperor Palpatine.


The cruiser in fleet formation, seen from the bow.

The fundamental design of the modular taskforce cruiser was relatively straightforward. In its standard configuration, the vessel comprised a command module, a life-support infrastructure, living spaces for a minimal crew, and an engineering bay. Given its role as a support ship, its offensive capabilities were limited relative to its size. In its basic form, the ship primarily served to transport limited quantities of supplies. Its primary function was to accommodate specialized mission modules.

Mission modules

Known also as "MFMs", Mission Function Modules were self-contained units designed to be affixed to the core structure of the modular taskforce cruiser. A single module was carried by each vessel, though it was speculated that Tagge intended to develop smaller modules to enable a ship to perform multiple functions concurrently. At a shipyard or similarly equipped facility, a module could be exchanged for a new one in a single day, with connections made to the vessel's power, life support, and communications systems.

Hospital module

Equipped with vast quantities of medical supplies and staffed by thousands of medical droids and personnel, the hospital module was deployed to provide assistance in a wide range of emergency scenarios. Its cost was 750,000 credits.

Inquisition module

Primarily utilized to suppress rebellious planets, the inquisition module was equipped with resources for conducting mass executions, dismantling a planet's information networks, bolstering the Imperial Army presence on a world, or, if deemed necessary, obliterating the planet's population. Its cost was 425,000 credits.

Observation module

Designed for conducting long-range reconnaissance, this module carried a complement of 500 probe droids and was used for observation missions conducted from beyond the borders of enemy territory. Its cost was 6.3 million credits. It carried 12 TIE/LN starfighters to provide defense.

Rescue module

The rescue module was deployed to provide assistance in the aftermath of space battles. Its cargo capacity of 40,000 metric tons was largely dedicated to spare parts for starships, and its crew included 2,130 technicians. The 140 doctors on board were tasked with locating any survivors in the area, while the technicians performed on-site repairs to enable damaged ships to reach the nearest friendly shipyard. Vessels equipped with this module were intended to operate in conjunction with a hospital ship. Its cost was 500,000 credits.

Survey module

The survey module was engineered for rapid exploration of planets and star systems. Aided by its complement of airspeeders and droids, it could fully analyze a planet, including assessing natural resources and identifying suitable locations for colonization, within a standard day. It could also chart viable hyperlanes from the survey location to major trade routes. Its cost was one million credits and included over 100 airspeeders, 5 Skipray blastboats, and 6 TIE/sa bombers for defense.


A Modular Taskforce Cruiser over Byss.

The Imperial Navy had traditionally preferred to maintain a diverse fleet of specialized ships, but this approach proved to be increasingly expensive. Following a commissioned study on optimizing fleet operations, Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited secured the contract to produce a new multi-role starship. The modular taskforce cruiser was the result of a design initiative that recognized the underlying commonalities between many single-role designs.

During the reign of the reborn Emperor Palpatine in 10 ABY, at least one of these cruisers was stationed above the Deep Core planet of Byss. Later, it was utilized by Imperial forces under the command of Supreme Commander Luke Skywalker. The modular taskforce cruiser Reliance](/article/reliance_(star_hauler)) served as a star hauler, transporting cargo into the Byss Security Zone. The Reliance was infiltrated by New Republic commandos who concealed themselves within a shipment of Viper Automadon war droids carried in its cargo bay. After being transported to port by the star hauler and shuttled to Byss, the commandos hijacked the war droids and launched an assault on the Emperor's Citadel.

Behind the scenes

The modular taskforce cruiser made its debut in the second issue of the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic series, authored by Tom Veitch, illustrated by Cam Kennedy, and published by Dark Horse Comics on February 18th, 1992. The Dark Empire Sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, written by Michael Allen Horne and released on June 15th, 1993, officially named the starship "modular taskforce cruiser," while the fourth issue of Dark Empire's sequel series, also created by Veitch and Kennedy, and published on March 21st of 1995, referred to it as an "Imperial star hauler."

