The rescue module, a type of Mission Function Module, was specifically engineered for integration with the modular taskforce cruiser. These modules, which carried a price tag of 500,000 credits and boasted a substantial cargo hold of 40,000 metric tons, were installed on cruisers deployed for post-space battle salvage and retrieval operations. Equipped with a variety of spare components, the 2,130 technicians assigned to the rescue module primarily focused on repairing damaged vessels, enabling them to independently return to a shipyard. The restoration of propulsion and life-sustaining systems took precedence during these repair efforts. In instances where on-site repairs proved unfeasible, the technicians would assess the resources needed for complete restoration, and military strategists would then determine whether to proceed with the repairs or to destroy the vessel. Furthermore, the rescue module accommodated 140 doctors to provide medical care for any survivors discovered amidst the debris.