The survey module represented a Mission Function Module specifically engineered for integration with the modular taskforce cruiser. This module, which had a price tag of one million credits, enabled the swift investigation and mapping of entire planets and even complete star systems. Equipped with a central computer to facilitate rapid data processing, the survey module's team was capable of thoroughly examining and assessing a planet in the span of a single 24-hour day. This assessment encompassed the identification of potential locations for colonies, the evaluation of mineral and agricultural assets, and the establishment of astrogation pathways to adjacent trade routes. The survey module's personnel consisted of 2,000 scouts, 1,500 technicians, in addition to 5,000 droids. Its resources incorporated more than a hundred airspeeders and 500 explorer droids for reconnaissance purposes, along with five Skipray blastboats and six TIE/sa bombers dedicated to defensive operations.