Jedi holocron (Alaris Prime)

A Jedi holocron came to light during the Wookiee settlement of the satellite Alaris Prime. This occurred sometime between 39 BBY and 36 BBY. Contained within it was knowledge pertaining to an age-old sanctuary, and it possessed the capability to create nova crystals within a Jedi temple. After its unearthing within a settlement occupied by the Wookiee named Shoran, the holocron was taken into possession by Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi and subsequently housed within a Jedi temple constructed specifically for its safekeeping.


The Jedi holocron was discovered on the satellite Alaris Prime. Its design featured a circular grey foundation, a blue sphere at its core, and three sharp projections that extended upwards from the base, surrounding the sphere. This holocron held within it insights into an ancient grove linked to the Jedi Order on Alaris Prime. Furthermore, it could generate nova crystals when positioned inside a Jedi Temple. Only individuals attuned to the Force, like the Jedi, could handle it.


During the settlement of Alaris Prime by the Wookiee species, spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY, the Wookiee named Shoran came across the holocron. He found it in a clearing within the woodland inside his encampment. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, serving as an advisor to the Wookiees, sought to secure the holocron. He acquired permission from the Jedi Council to have the Wookiees erect a temple at Chewbacca's camp specifically to house it. Following the temple's construction by workers under the direction of the Wookiee Chewbacca, Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, journeyed to Alaris Prime. He traveled from Chewbacca's camp to Shoran's encampment to retrieve the holocron. After the holocron's placement within the temple, it gradually produced nova crystals for Chewbacca.

During the Battle for Alaris Prime, an event where the Wookiees expelled the unauthorized Trade Federation presence from the satellite, studies of the holocron revealed details regarding the ancient grove. This grove was situated near a Wookiee outpost. Jinn and the Wookiees breached a line of flora to discover the path leading to the grove. It was there that Jinn mastered the technique of Jedi Concentration, enabling him to convert enemy structures to the Wookiee cause.

Behind the scenes

The holocron was initially mentioned in Prima Games' strategy guide by Steven L. Kent—published on November 7, 2001—for the LucasArts computer game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. It made an appearance in the sixth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, entitled "Allies and Jedi." This level served to educate players on the mechanics of gathering and storing holocrons. Within the game, securing every holocron on a map and maintaining possession for 200 in-game days resulted in victory for the player. Consequently, in addition to the Jedi holocron, an unreachable holocron was included in the campaign level to prevent an unintended conclusion.

