The Wookiee colonists erected a base on the moon of Alaris Prime sometime between 39 and 36 BBY. This structure was situated to the south of a base operated by the Trade Federation, an entity against whom the Wookiees were engaged in war. Wookiee laborers constructed and utilized the internal buildings, while the Wookiee Shoran was responsible for erecting portions of the external walls. Within this base, Chewbacca, the leader of the colonists, formulated a plan to assault the Trade Federation's base, with the goal of removing them from Alaris Prime.
Battle droids, acting under the orders of SRAM-13, a commander in the Trade Federation, launched attacks on the sentry posts surrounding the base. Upon the request of the Jedi Council, a fortress was constructed within the base, facilitating the arrival of Qui-Gon Jinn, the Wookiees' Jedi advisor, who intended to participate in the impending battle. Furthermore, light droid starfighters dispatched by SRAM-13 performed scouting missions over the base. Subsequently, the Wookiees stationed at the base amassed an army, which they employed to successfully attack and overcome the Trade Federation's base.
This base was just one of several that Wookiee species workers built on the moon called Alaris Prime. It was positioned to the north of a vast forest that blanketed the eastern side and to the south of a river that flowed from the northwest down to the western edge of the base. The base's command center was surrounded by four farms, a food processing center, and a cluster of trees. Circling the command center was a ring composed of, starting from the north and moving clockwise, a prefab shelter, a carbon processing center, a troop center, a spaceport, another prefab shelter, a power core, a mech factory, four additional prefab shelters, and an animal nursery. Two sentry posts were erected within the base, one located southwest of the base's center and the other in the northeast.

The Wookiee known as Shoran was responsible for the partial construction of several wall segments. These walls protected areas of the base not naturally shielded by the treeline and were situated at a distance from the main structures. To the north of the base, five sentry posts were established to provide early warning of potential attacks from the Trade Federation, who maintained a base north of the river. The river itself served as a natural boundary separating the two settlements.
In the northeastern sector of the base, a concealed path through the forest led to an ancient grove tied to the Jedi. The Wookiee base underwent significant expansion based on recommendations from Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who acted as an advisor to the Wookiees. The workers completed the walls and constructed a fortress, an airbase, and a heavy weapons factory. Jinn also advised the Wookiees to build a War Center to facilitate research into upgrades for their military equipment. The base was rich in natural resources, featuring muja fruit bushes growing in the center, along with deposits of nova crystals and ore. Several nerfs also resided within the base's confines.

This base was erected sometime between 39 BBY and 36 BBY during the war for Alaris Prime, a conflict fought between the legitimate Wookiee colonists and the Trade Federation. The Wookiees strategically positioned themselves near the Trade Federation's primary base to prepare for their permanent removal from the moon during the Battle for Alaris Prime. Chewbacca, the Wookiee leader, received counsel from Jinn to destroy the Trade Federation's fortress as a means of expelling them. The initial Wookiee forces at the base consisted of Chewbacca, Shoran, eight workers, seven bowcaster troopers, two HummBike speeder riders, and two dragon troopers. Jinn informed the Wookiees that the Jedi Council had granted him permission to personally participate in the battle, contingent upon the Wookiees constructing a fortress. Chewbacca tasked the workers with gathering resources to improve their level of technology, which would enable them to build the required fortress.
Attichitcuk, Chewbacca's father, also arrived at the base to join the battle, having recovered from injuries inflicted upon him by the Trade Federation. A contingent of battle droids, including a droideka and five beetle droids, were dispatched by SRAM-13, the Trade Federation commander, to attack the outer sentry posts. Jinn instructed the workers to complete the gaps in the walls that Shoran had started, reminding them to include gates to avoid trapping themselves within their own base. The Wookiees successfully gathered enough resources to advance their technological level and construct a fortress, after which Jinn arrived at the base aboard a Naboo Royal Lifter.

Subsequently, SRAM-13 deployed a trio of light droid starfighters to scout the base. Jinn cautioned the Wookiees to prepare for a potential attack; however, as the droids were merely scouts, the base remained secure. The Jedi advised the Wookiees to establish anti-air defenses, including turrets and an airbase, which would enable them to construct starfighters. The Wookiees also built a heavy weapons factory and assembled an army consisting of ten Agr starfighters, three Heavy Blade bombers, three energy pummels, five sentinel mechs, and five heavy bowcaster troopers. The Wookiee leadership, along with Jinn, then launched an assault on the Trade Federation base, successfully destroying their fortress.
The Wookiee base was initially mentioned in Steven L. Kent's strategy guide published by Prima Games on November 7, 2001. This guide was for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The base is featured in the seventh and final level of the tutorial campaign, titled "The Battle for Alaris Prime." Within this level, players have control over the base's layout and the selection of buildings to construct, with the game providing access to all building types except for Jedi Temples and monuments.
The strategy guide suggests that players seeking extra caution could expand the base's boundaries by dismantling the existing walls and constructing new ones further outward. Alternatively, the guide proposes that players could position troopers in areas they wish to control and then deploy workers to build turrets. The guide also states that the player starts the level in tech level 1; however, the game actually begins the player in tech level 2.