SRAM-13 functioned as a member of the Droid Army belonging to the Trade Federation. From 39 BBY to 36 BBY, SRAM-13 held a commanding position at the organization's primary installation situated on the lunar surface of Alaris Prime. During the Battle for Alaris Prime, this base became the target of attacks launched by Wookiee settlers who were rivals of the Trade Federation. In response, SRAM-13 dispatched numerous droid squads to both engage and observe the nearby Wookiee stronghold. Ultimately, the Wookiees prevailed in the conflict, leading to the Trade Federation's removal from Alaris Prime.


The base SRAM-13 commanded

SRAM-13 was a participant in the Trade Federation Droid Army. In the course of the Alaris Prime Colonial War, a conflict spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY on the moon Alaris Prime between the Trade Federation and the legitimate Wookiee inhabitants, SRAM-13 directed the Trade Federation's central facility on the moon, which functioned as a fortress. SRAM-13 also had authority over the droid forces assigned to the base, encompassing battle droids, aircraft, OX9 worker droids, and utility trawlers used for collecting fish from the adjacent river. As the war progressed, the Wookiees established a settlement to the south of the Trade Federation base, complete with guard posts outside the perimeter to provide early warnings of Trade Federation activity.

SRAM-13 initiated the offensive against the Wookiees, marking the beginning of the Battle for Alaris Prime, by deploying a land contingent consisting of five beetle droids and a droideka to assault the guard posts. Additionally, SRAM-13 deployed a group of three light droid starfighters to observe the Wookiee base, which prompted the Wookiees' adviser, Qui-Gon Jinn, to suggest the construction of their own aerial defenses. Eventually, the Wookiee leader Chewbacca assembled a combat force to attack the base, utilizing Heavy Blade aircraft to destroy its gun emplacements and eliminate the droids stationed there. SRAM-13's defeat occurred when the Wookiees used energy pummels to demolish the fortress, resulting in the Trade Federation's departure from Alaris Prime.

Behind the scenes

Santaram, the namesake of SRAM-13

SRAM-13 received a mention in the 2001 LucasArts computer game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, identified as the commander of the Trade Federation forces during the seventh mission of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, "The Battle for Alaris Prime." Unlike the other tutorial missions that feature only one opposing team, SRAM-13 controlled two allied teams. One team, labeled solely with SRAM-13's name, represented the base, workers, and aerial units, while the other, named "SRAM-13 ground units," consisted of the droideka and beetle droids.

The name SRAM-13 was derived as a shortened form of "Santaram," a ceramic figure depicting a goat with the head of Santa Claus, which belonged to Brandy "Lily" Childs, now known as Lily Mansfield, who was a level designer for Galactic Battlegrounds. She kept the statue on her workstation at LucasArts, where it developed into an inside joke among the staff, and she attempted to incorporate it into every project she worked on. As one instance, Mansfield believed that a texture artist had concealed the statue's name on a model in the 2000 game Star Wars: Force Commander.

