Chewbacca's camp

The encampment of Chewbacca was constructed by Wookiee settlers on the moon of Alaris Prime (situated between 39 and 36 BBY). A central command center served as its operational hub, and it initially comprised structures for resource gathering, along with a troop center and a pair of power cores. Chewbacca, the Wookiee leader on Alaris Prime, oversaw the camp, which was situated near the camp managed by his comrade, Shoran. To facilitate resource exchange with Shoran's camp, it was expanded to incorporate a spaceport, and a Jedi temple was added to house a discovered holocron. Following their successful defense against a raid by the Trade Federation on the camp, Chewbacca and his fellow Wookiees obliterated a nearby Trade Federation listening array.


The establishment of Chewbacca's camp occurred on Alaris Prime, a moon orbiting the planet Alaris within the Kashyyyk system. The camp occupied a clearing nestled in one of Alaris Prime's verdant forests, with its original design encompassing ten buildings. At the heart of the camp were the command center, a food processing center bordered by three farms, and a power core. Another power core was located to the south, while three prefab shelters and an animal nursery were situated near the forest to the west. The northern entrance of the camp featured a troop center and a carbon processing center. Later additions included two significant structures: a Jedi temple and a spaceport, both strategically positioned within the range of the camp's power cores for optimal operation. Furthermore, more prefab shelters were incorporated to accommodate the growing population of at least thirty-seven Wookiees.

A Jedi temple was built in the camp.

The camp benefited from a variety of readily available natural resources, including food sources like muja fruit bushes and fish from nearby water sources. Deposits of nova crystals and ore were found on the northeast side, and carbon could be harvested from the numerous trees. The camp was bordered by a lake to the south and a line of cliffs alongside a river to the east. The area north of the camp led to a larger clearing, which housed another camp managed by Chewbacca's fellow colonist, Shoran.


The camp's establishment occurred during the war for Alaris Prime, a conflict between the Wookiee colonists and the Trade Federation spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY. Following a successful attack on a Trade Federation outpost, Chewbacca, the colonists' leader, took residence at the camp, accompanied by two bowcaster troopers, a dragon trooper, seven Wookiee workers, and two nerfs. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, an advisor to the Wookiees, instructed Chewbacca to task his workers with gathering the camp's available resources while emphasizing the advantage of having allies, a key difference between the Wookiees and the Trade Federation. Chewbacca had his workers construct a spaceport, granting the Wookiees access to HoloNet technology for locating Shoran's camp. Subsequently, the Wookiees built Corellian HoverFreighters at the spaceport to facilitate the exchange of goods, particularly nova crystals, with Shoran's camp.

The camp was attacked by the Trade Federation.

Shoran discovered a Jedi holocron within his camp. In response, Jinn sought permission from the Jedi Council, the governing body of the Jedi Order, to erect a temple on Alaris Prime for its safekeeping, which was granted. Chewbacca's workers constructed the temple in the camp, after which Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrived on Alaris Prime. Kenobi journeyed to Shoran's camp to retrieve the holocron, but upon arrival, Shoran detected a contingent of Trade Federation battle droids, three beetle droids, and six Battle Droid Beta Versions advancing towards Chewbacca's camp. Shoran alerted Jinn and Chewbacca, prompting Jinn to advise Chewbacca to sound the alarm, summoning his workers to the command center and deploying his fighting Wookiees to the camp's perimeter. A group of five to six Wookiees annihilated all the attacking droids, after which Kenobi returned with the holocron and secured it within the temple.

One of Shoran's scouts uncovered a listening array belonging to the Trade Federation, which Chewbacca proposed the Wookiees dismantle. At the camp, he assembled a force of eight to thirty fighting Wookiees and marched through Shoran's camp to reach the listening array, which was demolished along with all the battle droids stationed there.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Chewbacca's camp appeared in the Prima Games' strategy guide by Steven L. Kent—published on November 7, 2001—for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. It was featured in the sixth level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, entitled "Allies and Jedi." The player has the freedom to position the Jedi temple and spaceport in any desired location, and can also construct additional structures beyond those already present in the level, such as shipyards, mech factories, and sentry posts.

