Harovan Toth

A male Human named Harovan Toth functioned as an Infiltrator for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Toth, originally from the planet Reynon, initially fought with the resistance forces on his homeworld before joining the Alliance proper on Dantooine. While stationed there, he entered into marriage with Tisha Rostek, and they had a daughter named Samona; however, their happiness was cut short when Rostek met her death in the Battle of Thovinack. As one of the Alliance's pioneering Infiltrators, Toth commanded Scandium Team, a unit that participated in some of the most perilous engagements early in the Alliance's history.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Scandium Team was involved in a mission within the Wellte-ir system. The team suffered significant losses when they encountered superior Imperial armor units; only six of the twenty-one members survived. This event became known as the Wellte-ir Massacre. Haunted by the memories of the massacre, Toth was removed from active combat duty and given various assignments before being stationed at Delta Base, the headquarters for the Suolriep sector, where he worked as both a patrol pilot and an advisor.


Early life

Sometime between 41 BBY and 37 BBY, a male Reynonian was born. This individual, known as Harovan Toth, was born on the planet Reynon, which is located in the Albarrio sector of the Outer Rim Territories. In 19 BBY, Palpatine, then serving as Supreme Chancellor, proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor and transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. Toth, a young man at the time, became a member of the resistance movement fighting against the Empire on his homeworld. He was later transferred to the Alliance to Restore the Republic at its outpost on Dantooine.

After a few weeks on Dantooine, Toth encountered Tisha Rostek, who worked as a civilian advisor. They fell in love, married, and had a daughter named Samona. Toth began training to become an Infiltrator, and after a year, he became one of the first fully trained infiltration specialists in the Rebellion. Despite the war against an overwhelming enemy, Toth was generally happy. However, when his daughter was eighteen months old, his wife was killed during the Battle of Thovinack. Toth sent Samona to live on the Alliance safe world Isis, where she was raised by Reynonian dissidents.

Scandium Team

As the conflict with the Empire escalated, Toth's involvement increased, and he took command of one of the Alliance's initial infiltration squads, known as Scandium Team. The Taloron Korgath served as Toth's first officer. The unit was divided into smaller sub-units, including Unit Theta, led by the Jin Dutra Zeneta; Delta Unit; and Sandstorm Unit, which included the Ebranite sisters Rith Tar'ak, Nyik, and Tor'ara.

Scandium Team was involved in, or planned, some of the Alliance's most dangerous missions. Their success rate was exceptionally high, primarily due to the unit's determination and tenacity. However, this success came at the cost of a high mortality rate for its operatives. The unit gained notoriety for surviving encounters with Imperial forces, dealing with underworld figures, and causing general mayhem. Scandium Team participated in the Vidicx and Loac Campaigns, as well as the Tynquay Skirmishes, during which they rescued Major Airen Cracken. During the Battle of Gendrah-Narvin, Scandium Team's primary pilot, Jouffer Talamiin, was permanently injured. Aven Cholus, a Human female, was chosen to replace her and quickly earned Toth's respect. Scandium Team also fought at the planet Fendry. Over the years, Scandium Team lost seven operatives, and several operations did not go as planned.

Toth led the unit for several years, attaining the rank of Lieutenant Commander by his twentieth mission, an operation to the Wellte-ir system in the Trax sector. On the plains of Bresnan, Scandium Team encountered two units of elite Imperial armor, one of which was thought to be the Emperor's Royal Guard conducting field exercises. Outnumbered, Scandium Team engaged in a four-day battle; fifteen of the twenty-one members deployed were killed. Pinned down on the Umber Banks, Scandium Team was eventually rescued by Cholus, who had been delayed by numerous Imperial starfighters.

After Wellte-ir, Toth was compelled to retire from active duty, a situation he welcomed. Haunted by the psychological aftermath of Scandium Team's final mission, the newly promoted commander requested non-combat assignments from his commanding officers. He was stationed at Yavin Base on the moon Yavin 4, and following the destruction of the first Death Star superweapon during its assault on the Alliance base, Toth was assigned to the temporary Thila Command Base. Subsequently, Toth was assigned to Delta Base, the headquarters for the Suolriep sector located on New Kisge. He served as a patrol pilot, satisfied with policing the jungle moon, and also occasionally worked as an advisor. However, Toth made it clear that he never intended to return to active combat.

Toth's leadership and organization of Scandium Team were crucial in assisting General Crix Madine in formally establishing the Alliance Special Forces. Delta Team, the next significant SpecForce team after Scandium, was named in honor of Scandium's Delta Unit.

Personality and traits

Harovan Toth was regarded as the quintessential intelligence operative; he was entirely unremarkable, possessing average height, weight, and build. He had brown hair that had begun to thin after the Battle of Yavin, and green eyes. His combat service had left him with extensive scarring across his body. Once a cheerful man, the death of his wife and the traumatic events at Wellte-ir transformed Toth into a bitter individual tormented by painful memories. Toth found contentment during his assignment to Delta Base, where he enjoyed his duties and maintained regular contact with his daughter, who had since joined the Alliance as a pilot, holding the rank of lieutenant.

Skills and abilities

Harovan Toth was a highly skilled Infiltrator, trained in the use of blasters and proficient in both melee and unarmed combat. He was particularly skilled with a vibroknife and adept at using ascian daggers as thrown weapons. Toth was trained in stealth tactics and capable of leading a unit of twenty-eight individuals in combat. He specialized in urban survival techniques and possessed extensive knowledge of alien species and their languages. Toth understood the inner workings of a bureaucracy and was familiar with law enforcement policies and procedures, especially those pertaining to Imperial law.

Toth was a skilled pilot, capable of flying both capital ships and space transports, and could plot courses through hyperspace. He could also operate communications systems and sensors. On the ground, Toth could ride domesticated animals, preferring Cracian thumpers, and fly repulsorlift craft, specializing in T-47 airspeeders. He could also pilot walkers and was skilled at driving All Terrain Scout Transports. Technically proficient, Toth could program and repair computers, program droids, repair repulsorlift vehicles, and bypass security systems. He was also skilled in demolitions and trained in first aid, with a particular expertise in treating Talorons. Given that Scandium Team's missions often involved dealing with the criminal underbelly of the galaxy, Toth had underworld contacts and was a skilled forger.


During his assignment to Delta Base, Harovan Toth typically wore a flight suit and carried a comlink and a hunting blaster.

Behind the scenes

Harovan Toth made his first appearance in the eleventh issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, released in 1996 by West End Games. He was featured in the article series "Cracken's Rebel Operatives," authored by C. Robert Carey and Trevor J. Wilson. The illustration of Toth was created by Kathy Burdette.


Notes and references
