Grizz Frix served as a male human pilot of a starfighter for the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Hoth, he was enlisted into the squadron, but he met his demise during the Battle of Endor, operating under the callsign of Red Five.
Not long after the evacuation of Hoth which occurred in 3 ABY, Commander Wedge Antilles recruited Grizz Frix to join the newly re-established Red Squadron. Lieutenant Wes Janson remarked that Frix was another "hothead" type of pilot. In a report on simulation training advancements, Antilles informed his superior, The Contessa, that Frix could maintain formation flying easily, but frequently broke away to pursue individual targets.
Only a few days after Antilles reformed Red Squadron, they were dispatched on a mission. Frix piloted a T-65B X-wing starfighter as the wingmate of Bela Elar, working alongside Penn Zowlie, during an attack directed at a nearby pirate base. The base was a threat to the security of the Alliance's rendezvous location. The squadron successfully neutralized the pirates and their threat.

During the Battle of Endor, Frix served as a pilot for Red Squadron, utilizing the callsign Red Five. He perished when his T-65B X-wing starfighter was destroyed in an explosion while attacking an Imperial Star Destroyer.
Ronny Cush portrayed Grizz Frix in the movie Return of the Jedi.
The helmet prop used for Frix—or at least one with a very similar design—had previously been used by Jon Vander in A New Hope, and by "Hobbie" in The Empire Strikes Back. Furthermore, it was spotted being carried by a different, unidentified pilot aboard Home One in Return of the Jedi.