Penn Zowlie was a recruit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and identified as male.
Growing up on an asteroid cluster bordering Wild Space, Penn Zowlie enlisted in the Rebellion. As a youth, he enjoyed hover-sled and vac-skim jumping and aspired to be a pilot. At Echo Base on Hoth, he worked as an assistant to a medical droid. Despite his lack of experience with even a flight simulator, Zowlie frequently bothered Lieutenant Wes Janson, a rebel pilot, about flying. Following the evacuation of Hoth, Janson brought him into Commander Wedge Antilles' revamped Red Squadron after the Battle of Hoth. Piloting a T-65B X-wing starfighter with the callsign Red Nine as Bela Elar's wingman, he died during an attack on a pirate base nearby, which posed a danger to the Alliance's meeting location.
Upon joining the squadron, Zowlie lacked experience. His relationship with Janson was good, however, the seasoned pilot did not appreciate Zowlie's heavy use of pilot jargon.