Goff, situated within the Goff system, designated the XQ5 Platform utilized by the Airam. This station was rumored to have served as a resupply point for the Rebel Alliance. Its defensive capabilities comprised two squadrons of R-41 Starchaser fighters, shuttlecraft, and a pair of IPV-1 Patrol Craft.
Following intelligence reports indicating Airam's support for the Rebel cause, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as Rage, accompanied by the Interdictor Compellor, set their sights on the station, intending to seize it and make an example of the Airam forces aiding the Rebellion. The station was assaulted by TIE/In interceptors from Avenger Squadron along with TIE/sa bombers. The station was successfully captured, along with a Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport carrying Rebel officers. Subsequently, the Imperials faced an attack from the Rebel Nebulon-B2 frigate Colada, which prioritized targeting the Compellor while launching Z-95 Headhunters from Azul Squadron and Y-wings from Grez Squadron. This offensive proved unsuccessful, and after the frigate's shields were depleted, the Rebels were offered terms of surrender. They declined, leading to the frigate's destruction.