The R-41 Starchaser represented a versatile starfighter design, brought to fruition by the engineers at Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc..
This Starchaser was conceived as a robust starfighter, intended to rival the performance of the Z-95 Headhunter. It demonstrated a commendable equilibrium between velocity, offensive capabilities, and resilience. However, it suffered from a deficiency in substantial armor plating and internal structural reinforcement, which frequently rendered it susceptible to precisely aimed enemy fire. Possessing a marginal advantage over the Headhunter due to its inclusion of ion cannons, the Starchaser, when piloted by skilled pilots, could present a significant threat, even to more advanced starfighters. This was demonstrated during the conflict between the Rneekii pirates and the forces of the Galactic Empire above Kiilimaar.
The spacecraft's design incorporated a flattened lifting body with a diamond-shaped front. It featured S-foils positioned at the rear and derived its propulsion from a quartet of H-K Model 4Yb ion fusion engines, complemented by a Class 2 hyperdrive system.
The ship's shortcomings, such as its light armor, limited maneuverability, and weak shields, hindered its commercial success.
A dual-seat variant, designated the R-42 Starchaser, was also developed. Despite exhibiting improvements in certain areas, this version failed to achieve the same level of popularity as the R-41, resulting in a production run of only a few hundred units.

The starfighter's introduction was delayed by production issues, causing it to arrive on the scene after the Headhunters.
By the conclusion of the Clone Wars, this starfighter had already been surpassed by more modern spacecraft. By the time of the conflict between the Empire and the Rebellion, it was generally considered obsolete. Nevertheless, the Rebellion, constrained by limited resources, employed the R-41 in initial engagements against the Empire's newer TIE Fighters, as seen during the Assault on Kamino. The R-41 gradually disappeared from the Rebel fleet following the introduction of the X-wing. Impoverished Rebel cells, however, were obligated to utilize it.
Later in the Galactic Civil War, it remained in service with independent entities, including Black Sun and pirates such as the Rneekii, who valued its dependability, a crucial factor given their limited access to routine maintenance.
The R-41 was the preferred starship of Abron Mar, a lieutenant serving the crime lord Takara. Mara Jade appropriated an R-41 while escaping the base of smuggler Kaerobani on Rathalay, carrying a recovered Jedi holocron in 10 ABY.