Attack on the Compellor

During the Galactic Civil War, forces of the Imperial side successfully defended against a quick hit-and-fade attack launched by Rebel starfighters. The target of this attack was the interdictor class vessel, the Compellor.


Following Task Force Vengeance's obliteration of their construction convoy within the Rocrin system, the Rebel Alliance began to understand the degree to which the Empire's military operations depended on the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Compellor. Consequently, the Rebels planned a counter-attack aimed at the Compellor, scheduled to occur when both it and its escort, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Rage, were docked at the Airam space platform Goff. The Empire was also aware of the Compellor's significance, understanding that any substantial damage to it would delay future offensives for an uncertain duration—a delay they could not afford.

The Battle

The Rebel forces entered the Goff system utilizing two starfighter squadrons: Viper Squadron flying A-wings and Phoenix Squadron piloting B-wings. Their chosen attack strategy involved a standard hit-and-run approach, with missile-equipped dogfighters leading the charge, followed by heavy assault fighters. Viper Squadron's objective was to engage Imperial starfighters, while Phoenix Squadron was tasked with attacking the Compellor using a combination of proton torpedoes and mag pulse warheads. Opposing them were Avenger Squadron in shielded TIE/IN interceptors, Beta Squadron in TIE/sa bombers, and Gamma Squadron in TIE/LN starfighters.

The Imperial starfighters responded quickly, moving to intercept the incoming Rebel squadrons. Avenger Squadron received orders to divert power to their engines to engage Viper Squadron before Phoenix Squadron could reach Goff Platform. Upon contact, Avenger and Viper Squadrons engaged in a fierce exchange of missile locks and laser fire. Phoenix Squadron continued its advance but was intercepted by Beta and Gamma Squadrons, leading to a series of intense starfighter battles. Phoenix Squadron managed to launch several torpedoes at the Compellor. The Imperials then received orders to destroy the incoming warheads. Ultimately, overwhelmed by numerous TIE fighters, the B-wings and A-wings were gradually shot down.

At this point, the second flight groups from both Rebel squadrons arrived on the scene. However, they encountered not a weakened defense, but a strong Imperial force amidst the wreckage of their comrades. The Imperials, who had been celebrating their initial success over comm channels, quickly shifted their focus to warning their pilots about the potential for further attacks from the Rebels. The TIE pilots responded, and the Rebel second wave suffered the same fate as the first. The Compellor was, for the time being, safe.


Even though the Rebellion's assault was unsuccessful, the Empire had to acknowledge that their adversaries were becoming aware of their tactics. The practice of deploying an Imperial-class Star Destroyer alongside an interdictor cruiser was causing considerable concern for the Rebels. Further attacks targeting the Compellor were anticipated and did occur as Task Force Vengeance continued its operations.

As often happened during combat, several pilots survived the destruction of their ships and were rescued. A number of captured Rebels, despite their allegiances, were found to be willing to improve their situation by providing valuable intelligence. The information they shared further troubled the Imperials and set the stage for the subsequent engagement at Mobetta.

