Gev-Toosa existed as a populated place located on Stend IV.
Although it represented the largest populated area on the planet, Gev-Toosa was only of a size to be classified as a village. It lacked a dedicated spaceport; incoming ships were automatically sent a message advising them to land outside the village and proceed on foot.
The aim of the Army of Life was to move threatening clodhoppers to Stend IV, with the intention of them causing widespread destruction and laying waste to the colony. Their stated objective was "the biggest settlement on Stend IV".
Nevertheless, the Jedi Council uncovered the Operation, and dispatched Padawan Dree-Tekes to the location, where she would fight against the agents employed by the Army. Dree-Tekes encountered four Gran fighters and equipped them with blaster carbines, a legacy heavy blaster cannon, and a grenade launcher.