The conflict known as the Showdown on Stend IV took place on the planet of Stend IV. It was a clash between operatives of the Army of Life and a coalition of opposing forces. This coalition included the Jedi Dree-Tekes, local Gran militiamen, and a group of individuals recruited by the government.
By the year 31 BBY, the Army of Life was active on the planet of Naboo, which possessed dangerous native wildlife. Following the alliance for peace between the Human inhabitants of Naboo and the Gungans in 32 BBY, the Army of Life saw an opportunity to create disorder while simultaneously advancing their own agenda.
The Army took note of a local species, the clodhoppers. These creatures reproduced at an astonishing rate, producing hundreds of offspring within days, and consumed food voraciously. Clodhoppers were able to thrive on Naboo due to the presence of natural predators and hunting by the Gungans. However, exporting them was strictly prohibited, with severe penalties, as it had previously resulted in the catastrophic devastation of entire colonies centuries prior.
The objective of the Army of Life was to transport two hundred clodhopper eggs, contained within sealed boxes, to the world of Stend IV. Upon arrival at Stend IV, the planet's atmosphere would trigger the opening of the boxes, initiating the automatic incubation of the eggs.
The Army opted to contract an independent team for the transportation, while the capture of the eggs would be carried out by Army agents. Another Army member, Del Binjitt, hired a team in the city of Keren, providing them with a ship named the Majestic Gundark. However, Binjitt remained unaware of the cargo's true nature, only knowing it as "bio-material."
Binjitt encountered a Kubaz informant, Talbrek, in the area, who arranged a meeting between Binjitt and some "indies" at Frundle's Cantina. Binjitt furnished them with all the necessary details, including the ship's codes and coordinates, and informed them that the remaining payment would be provided on Ryloth. Unbeknownst to them, the bartender droid was eavesdropping and reported the information to local authorities.
Security agents from the port ambushed the indies at the Gundark. However, the commanding officer of the attack was secretly affiliated with the Army of Life and intended to allow them to escape if captured. Despite this, they still had to contend with N-1 fighters commanded by Lieutenant Davonn. The Gundark jumped into hyperspace, heading towards Stend IV and evading Davonn. However, Davonn managed to track its hyperspace vector and reported it to his superiors.
Due to the suspected significance of the operation, reports of these activities reached the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Consequently, the Jedi Order dispatched a Padawan to Stend IV. This Padawan, Dree-Tekes, arrived on Stend IV before the Gundark and prepared four local Grans, equipping them with blaster carbines, heavy blaster cannons, and a grenade launcher, to await the team's arrival.