Army of Life

Army of Life was an organization engaged in eco-terrorism, possessing ties to various criminal elements. This group was operational during the time of the Galactic Republic. Their stated objective was to bring back primitive ecosystems to planets across the galaxy.


The Army of Life orchestrated a perilous scheme in 32 BBY. Their plan involved the unlawful transportation of clodhoppers from the planet Naboo to Stend IV. Given the absence of natural predators on Stend IV, the clodhoppers would rapidly reproduce, causing widespread destruction and ecological collapse on the colony world. To execute this plan, the Army needed an external team to move the "bio-material" using a vessel named the Majestic Gundark. An Army operative named Del Binjitt recruited this team at Frundle's Cantina on Naboo. However, a bartender droid overheard their conversation and alerted the authorities. Although the Majestic Gundark successfully departed Naboo, a local fighter pilot, Lieutenant Davonn, managed to trace its hyperspace route and determine its destination. The Jedi Council took interest in the matter, dispatching a Padawan named Dree-Tekes to Stend IV to await the Gundark's arrival.

