
Dree-Tekes was a Gran Jedi Padawan of the female persuasion. She served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in the ten years prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars.


Being a Force-sensitive Gran, Dree-Tekes became a member of the Jedi Order and was instructed in the Force. Ultimately, she was chosen by a Jedi Master to be their Padawan. During her time as an apprentice, Dree-Tekes was sent to the Gran colony of Stend IV with the mission of stopping the Army of Life from unleashing clodhoppers there.

When she arrived on the planet, Dree-Tekes enlisted the help of four Gran militiamen from the local area, with the goal of boarding the Majestic Gundark, the delivery ship used by the terrorist organization. As the freighter landed on the surface, carrying its clodhopper cargo intended to restore the planet's natural balance, Padawan Dree-Tekes spearheaded a raid on the vessel alongside her allies, with the intention of destroying the cargo before it could be offloaded.

