
Garr, a native of Excarga, suffered the presumed death of both parents and mother following the Confederacy of Independent Systems' invasion of Excarga. Garr, along with other orphaned children, journeyed aboard the Republic starship named Candaserri to reach an orphanage located on Bespin. Boba Fett, who boarded the vessel soon after the Conquest of Raxus Prime, was the same age as Garr, and they quickly developed a friendship. Their paths diverged on Bespin when Aurra Sing found Fett, leading Garr to seek assistance from the Jedi duo Glynn-Beti and Ulu Ulix, despite Fett's deep-seated animosity towards the Jedi Order.


Early Life Aboard Excarga

In 32 BBY, Garr was born on the mining world of Excarga. Their parents and mother worked as traders of ore. In 22 BBY, as a ten-year-old Excargan, Garr's gender was yet to be determined. Excargans remained genderless until they underwent physical changes around the age of thirteen. During the Confederacy of Independent Systems' invasion aimed at seizing control of the mines, Garr's parents concealed their child, while they were taken as prisoners. Following a counterattack launched by the Republic, Garr's parents were missing and presumed dead. However, Garr held onto the belief that they were still alive and would return. This orphaned child was then transported to the Republic starship Candaserri, bound for an orphanage on Bespin along with other young children.

Developing a Friendship with Boba Fett

Garr's best friend, Boba Fett

Boba Fett, also ten years old, joined the ship at Raxus Prime after being rescued from the Conquest of Raxus Prime by a group consisting of clone troopers and Glynn-Beti, a Bothan Jedi. Fett, a Human boy who had never experienced friendship, quickly found a friend in Garr. After several days of friendship, Fett inquired about Garr's gender, leading Garr to explain the differences between Excargans and other species. Garr expressed frustration with the tendency of other children to focus on gender instead of treating each other as individuals. Fett dismissed the other children as foolish, asserting that they should simply treat Garr as a friend, as he did.

Despite the prohibition against orphans wandering the ship unattended, Garr and Fett enjoyed exploring the Candaserri. While Garr lacked Fett's fascination with space, both children shared an interest in starships, observing them being armed and serviced by droids in the rear docking bay. Despite Fett's attempts to conceal his past, he inadvertently revealed that his father had taught him how to pilot a ship, a revelation that would have greatly surprised Garr's mother. Despite their extensive explorations, Garr and Fett were unable to gain access to the bridge. Their shared curiosity nearly led to them being stranded in space when they attempted a spacewalk to observe the bridge from the outside.

Life as Orphans on Bespin

Garr's life was endangered by the bounty hunter Aurra Sing.

Upon their arrival on Bespin, Fett attempted to escape the Jedi at the orphanage, fueled by his hatred for the entire Jedi Order after witnessing Jedi Master Mace Windu kill his father, Jango Fett. Garr noticed that Boba had forgotten his flight bag and ran to catch up with him to return it. As Garr tried to convince Fett to return to the orphanage, their conversation was interrupted by the bounty hunter Aurra Sing. Sing seized Fett, prompting Garr to kick her in an attempt to free him. Sing responded by dangling Garr over a drop spanning several kilometers, but pulled the child back after Fett identified Garr as his friend. Despite this declaration, Fett then acted distantly and reiterated that he had no room for friends, hoping to motivate Garr to survive by abandoning him. Garr refused to leave until Sing reached for her blaster. However, Garr had not abandoned Fett, and informed the Jedi about Sing's actions.

Garr joined Glynn-Beti and her Padawan, Ulu Ulix, aboard a cloud car to pursue Sing as she piloted Slave I, the ship she had stolen from Fett. Sing prepared to fire upon the cloud car, but Fett intervened, flying between them to prevent her from doing so, even at the risk of his own life. Although Fett viewed Garr's seeking help from the Jedi as a personal betrayal, he recognized that Garr's intentions were purely to assist him.

Personality and Physical Traits

Garr's skin tone was darker than Boba Fett's tan-colored complexion, and Garr's hair was shorter. Fett observed that Garr's brown eyes possessed a cheerful quality. Having been raised to respect the Jedi, Garr aspired to be Force-sensitive and undergo training as one of them.

Despite their friendship, Garr only knew Boba Fett by the alias "Teff," which Fett used to avoid being identified by the Jedi. In addition to keeping his true name a secret, Fett concealed or misrepresented other personal details from Garr, such as his origin as a clone of his father, as Garr found the clone troopers unsettling.

Behind the Scenes

The hardcover edition of Boba Fett: Crossfire

Garr made an appearance in Boba Fett: Crossfire, a novel for young readers authored by Terry Bisson and initially published by Scholastic in 2002. This book was the second installment in the Star Wars: Boba Fett series aimed at young readers.

Garr was included in the 2008 reference book series, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Garr's entry uses he/him pronouns, although Boba Fett: Crossfire does not use any pronouns for Garr. Given other instances of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia using he/him for characters never previously referred to with those pronouns, this article has treated the entry as an error.

