The Candaserri served as an Acclamator-class assault ship within the ranks of the Republic Navy throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
During the initial phase of the war, the Candaserri functioned as a short-term haven for orphaned children who had been separated from their parents. It was among the numerous Republic starships that participated in the Conquest of Raxus Prime. A Bothan Jedi Knight by the name of Glynn-Beti saved a young Boba Fett from the surface of the planet, bringing him aboard the vessel. Boba, having gained entry to the ship by posing as an orphan named Teff, struck up a friendship with the Excargan Garr and spent a significant portion of his time exploring the ship alongside him. The Candaserri subsequently arrived at Bespin not long after, with the goal of reuniting the orphaned children with their respective families. At this point in time, Glynn-Beti and her Padawan Learner, Ulu Ulix, were in command of the ship, managing the Orphan Hall.
The Candaserri remained operational, finding service within the Imperial Navy during the beginning years of the Galactic Civil War.