
Glynn-Beti was a Jedi Master of the Bothan species (a female), who dedicated her service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, she held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic.


Being a Force-sensitive member of the Bothan species, Glynn-Beti underwent training under the Jedi Order to learn the ways of the Force, eventually reaching the esteemed position of Jedi Master. She took Ulu Ulix, a youngling, as her Padawan. When conflict erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, both Glynn-Beti and her Padawan were called to serve within the Grand Army of the Republic as the two factions went to war.

Master Glynn-Beti, alongside her Padawan, fought with CT-4/619 during the battle for Raxus Prime. It was on this planet that the Jedi discovered Count Dooku, the leader of the CIS, as he was trying to exploit the power of a device known as the Force Harvester. Despite not being able to apprehend Dooku, the Jedi were successful in destroying the weapon and disrupting the Dark Reaper campaign. During the fighting, they found the orphaned Boba Fett, but Master Glynn-Beti failed to realize the danger the child posed and sent him to Bespin to be placed with a family in the area. However, Fett was able to escape and joined Aurra Sing, a disgraced Jedi whom Glynn-Beti despised.

Master Glynn-Beti was present on Bespin to defend the planet from the Separatist invasion. Her efforts were mostly limited to assisting with the evacuation of Cloud City.

Glynn-Beti and Boba Fett would meet again when she commanded the Battle of Xagobah. During this conflict, she expressed her gratitude to the enigmatic Fett after he saved the life of Padawan Ulix, stating that she owed him a debt. To repay that debt, Master Glynn-Beti aided Fett in his infiltration of the Mazariyan Citadel, as part of the broader mission to capture Wat Tambor, a leading figure in the Confederacy.

