Fra Raida was a female human serving the Galactic Empire as a TIE fighter pilot within the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Initially, she was a rival to Yrica Quell, a Lieutenant, until Quell deserted two weeks after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. However, after Quell's return to the fighter wing around 5 ABY, Raida reconciled with her, even developing romantic feelings for the fellow pilot. Raida made several advances toward Quell, once offering her spice after a funeral and later guiding her away to change out of their flight attire.
During the 204th's fight on the planet Chadawa, Raida accompanied Quell and four others on a mission to Netalych. En route, Raida overheard a message directed at Quell from Chass na Chadic, a New Republic pilot, revealing Quell's past affiliation with the New Republic. There, they visited the droid-controlled outpost DN-949A to complete a task for Colonel Soran Keize, the commanding officer of the 204th, a task only Quell knew about. Raida escorted Quell and two other team members to the engineer known as the Surgeon, who accepted Quell's task in exchange for the 204th pilot Nord Kandende pledging to work for him for a year.
The group had a disagreement regarding Kandende, with Raida wanting to forcibly free him, but Quell ultimately decided to leave him behind. Disgusted by the sacrifice and Quell's apparent connection to the New Republic, Raida revealed what she had heard to the rest of the group, leading them to mutiny against the lieutenant upon her return with the Surgeon's findings. They subdued Quell and interrogated her for "the truth." While Quell was imprisoned, the engineer Alchor Mirro sparked a separate argument, but their discussion was interrupted by Chadic's arrival and subsequent gunfire. Raida attempted to escape but was fatally shot by the New Republic pilot.
During the Galactic Civil War, Fra Raida was a TIE fighter pilot in the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. When Yrica Quell joined the unit as a pilot, Raida became a rival to the new member. Two weeks after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Quell, now a lieutenant, deserted the 204th, along with Soran Keize, an ace holding the rank of Major. However, due to the New Republic's seemingly harsh treatment of Imperials and former Imperials, Keize rejoined the fighter wing around 5 ABY and became its commanding officer. Quell also returned around that year, choosing to work with the ground crew rather than immediately returning to flight duty.
During that year, the 204th committed a series of genocides on the planets Dybbron III, Kortatka, and Fedovoi End. A recruit from Dybbron III told Raida that the New Republic was pardoning pirates to govern worlds after Imperial rule. Later, the pilots of the 204th gathered in the ready room of the Yadeez, the fighter wing's flagship and carrier at the time, to celebrate the birthday of the late Colonel Shakara Nuress, the 204th's commander before Keize's promotion. Officially, the pilots celebrated the Feast of Lord-Protector Jarmanidath, an obscure holiday approved by the Empire's Culture Ministry. Raida went to fetch Quell for the occasion once the 204th's Squadron Five had returned to the Yadeez from a trip and the other attendees were ready.
Sometime after the celebration, the Yadeez and its escorts were pursued by New Republic forces under the command of General Hera Syndulla. Following an engagement with the enemy in the Ghonoath system, a funeral was held for Flight Commander Garl Lykan, who had died in the battle, at the Yadeez's hangar. After the 204th's traditional gathering, Raida offered Quell a small bag of spice. Quell declined, suspecting Raida might be trying to set her up for spice possession. Raida cried as a result and hugged Quell awkwardly, expressing her relief that she was alive. Quell quickly left the hangar afterward.
The 204th later fled Syndulla's forces in the G'Tep'Noi system, where Raida and Quell participated in the skirmish against the New Republic fighters. Upon returning to the Yadeez's hangar, the pilots complimented each other's flying. As Quell made excuses, the pilots were ordered to clear the hangar. After several TIE pilots left, Raida remained with Quell, rolling her foot over a fuel pipe and commenting on her comrade's untidy nature. Quell attributed it to her low-gravity childhood and a recent injury, so Raida led her away to change. They went to the showers and changed into civilian clothing before Quell departed.
As the 204th approached its next target, the planet Chadawa, Raida, Quell, and four others were chosen for a mission to the planet Netalych to investigate the databanks of an Imperial sentinel droid that had become infamous among the 204th until its destruction, a fact kept secret from everyone except Keize and Quell. The true nature of the mission was known only to Quell, the team leader. The other team members included the pilots Nord Kandende and Jeela Brebtin, as well as the engineers Agias Rikton and Alchor Mirro.
The team separated from the rest of the 204th aboard an unnamed starship while the fighter wing launched its initial attack on Chadawa. As the vessel escaped, Chass na Chadic, a New Republic pilot, sent threats to Quell over the comm channels. Listening through a headset until Quell jammed the comms on the ship, Raida realized that her team leader had been affiliated with the New Republic during her desertion. While Quell didn't know if her team had heard Chadic's threats, Raida chose to keep it a secret for the time being because she cared for the team leader.
After the vessel arrived in the Netalych system, Quell approached Raida and the rest of the team, briefing them on their destination, the outpost DN-949A on Netalych, explaining that it had been taken over by its droid population, which had formed its own society. With details of the mission classified to the rest of the group, the team leader called the situation an "engineering problem" that DN-949A might have a specialist to solve to provide insights the 204th. When Rikton asked what they would do if Quell was killed, she claimed that they would fail, causing Raida to chuckle and shake her head. Landing at a pier at DN-949A, the team disembarked in civilian clothes, Raida and Kandende armed only with pistols while the rest carried different equipment.
As they walked through the outpost, the group passed a painted message saying "NO MEAT NO MASTERS," which Raida sarcastically called charming, although Mirro believed it was technically correct. Moving indoors, they were soon approached by a Houk traveler who begged for work, credits, or transport off-world due to his starship's repairs failing. Raida almost shot the Houk before Mirro talked the traveler down, suggesting a fix for his ship's engines. After witnessing the situation of the organic residents and travelers at the outpost, Quell and Rikton discussed how it compared to the state of the rest of the galaxy, with Raida chiming in with the rumor about the New Republic pardoning pirates.
Rikton, Mirro, and Brebtin debated whether the droids' apparent treatment of the organic residents was justified, with Mirro claiming it was only natural for the droids to treat anyone who treated them harshly the same way. Raida then remarked that if the droids were acting naturally, she would hate to see how it compared to people of the New Republic, glancing at Quell at that moment, knowing she had been among them. Quell stopped and gave a plan of action: while Brebtin and Mirro acquired lodging for the group, Raida was to follow Quell, Kandende, and Rikton at a distance to watch their backs.
Quell, Kandende, and Rikton visited a droid named the Surgeon, who took in the sentinel's databank for examination. However, because the price of the Surgeon's service was a human servant, Kandende pledged a year of service without Quell's consent. When the rest of the group reconvened in a rented apartment Brebtin and Mirro had found, they argued about their lost member, with Raida wanting to go and rescue him before they left Netalych. Quell was more interested in completing their mission, and the rest of the team accepted her statement on it.
Afterward, Raida and Quell sat beside one another in the washroom, saying nothing. Quell eventually returned to the rest of the group, where Brebtin expressed her displeasure at being away from the rest of the 204th. Rikton and Mirro misinterpreted her sentiment, and Raida remarked that they didn't understand because they weren't pilots. Raida believed that the rest of the 204th shouldn't have been attacking Chadawa without her and the other pilots in Quell's team.
The next day, Quell returned to the Surgeon and retrieved the data she needed. Meanwhile, Raida, disgusted by the sacrifice of Kandende and having learned that Quell had served the New Republic, told the rest of the team about Chass na Chadic's message to Quell. The group then arranged a mutiny, and Raida and Mirro waited at the apartment while Rikton and Brebtin met with Quell and made sure the team leader made it back there. When Quell arrived at the apartment, her team incapacitated her. Quell, sprawled on the floor of the apartment, eventually regained consciousness to find her team surrounding her, with Raida standing closest. As one of them asked for "the truth," Raida kicked Quell in her side before stepping back as her captive shouted back.
Quell demanded that they trust in Keize, believing that the matter was about the secrecy of the mission. Raida, calling Quell filth, explained that she had heard Chadic's message to Quell and had kept it secret until they had lost Kandende to the Surgeon. Cutting her sentence, she admitted that she had kept the secret because she had liked Quell. Mirro advised the group into a separate discussion from Quell, with Brebtin locking their prisoner in the bathroom in the meantime. The group argued in the main room, with Raida debating passionately while not directly suggesting killing Quell, although Mirro did.
However, they were soon interrupted when they realized a visitor was at the apartment. The group asked if Kandende had arrived, but with no reply, Brebtin suggested opening the door slowly. The visitor was Chadic, who had tracked the team from Chadawa in search of Quell. When the door opened, the New Republic pilot opened fire on the group, leading to a firefight. The group made to escape the apartment, but Chadic charged in as Raida was making for an exit. Raida turned and fired on her attacker, but narrowly missed. Chadic then proceeded to shoot the pilot in the chest, and Raida dropped to the floor, dead.
Following Raida's death, the rest of the group made for their ship, engaging DN-949A's security along the way. Quell escaped the apartment through a small window and found Rikton separated from the remainder of the team, choosing to spare the engineer's life. Brebtin and Mirro successfully returned to the 204th at Chadawa and gave Keize the information that he required, leading the colonel to learn that there was a databank on the Imperial capital planet Coruscant which had logged all the atrocities of the 204th through the since destroyed sentinel droid. Keize attempted to destroy the databank but was stopped by Quell. The colonel mentioned Raida in an attempt to sway his adversary into agreeing with him but failed and perished soon after.
Fra Raida, a human female, was initially competitive with Yrica Quell but later developed feelings for her, complimenting the other pilot and expressing how much she had missed her after she had left for some time. She cried and hugged Quell at one point after her offer of spice was turned down. After learning that Quell had been affiliated with the New Republic, Raida chose to give the fellow pilot the benefit of the doubt and hide the revelation from the rest of the group, speaking uneasily with Quell afterward. Raida believed that she should have shared the 204th's burden of wiping out Chadawa's populous. When Alchor Mirro and Agias Rikton failed to understand the sentiment, she attributed it to them not being pilots like her, Quell, and Jeela Brebtin. After Quell chose to leave behind Nord Kandende, Raida ran out of excuses to cover for the pilot she cared for and turned on her.
As a pilot, Raida wore a flight suit and flew a TIE fighter. On Netalych, she wore civilian clothing and was armed with a blaster pistol and carried a comlink.
Fra Raida appeared in the 2021 novel Victory's Price: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, the final installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy written by Alexander Freed.