Alchor Mirro

Alchor Mirro was a male engineer within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. This aged ground crew chief of Shadow Wing, present during the Battle at Chadawa, had attempted retirement on three separate occasions prior to the Battle of Endor. During 5 ABY, he participated in the mission to Netalych alongside Yrica Quell, Jeela Brebtin, Fra Raida, Nord Kandende, and Agias Rikton. When her past association with Alphabet Squadron was revealed to their fellow soldiers, he advocated for Quell's death. Mirro, along with only TIE fighter pilot Jeela Brebtin, came back to Shadow Wing on the vessel Quell discovered on a planetoid situated in the Cerberon system. Just before the Battle of Jakku, Colonel Soran Keize's departure from the 204th included a visit to Mirro, where he affirmed that he had not forgotten the pledge he made to him.

Behind the scenes

Alchor Mirro made an appearance in Victory's Price: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, a 2021 novel authored by Alexander Freed.

