
The Tunroth were a sentient species of bipedal beings that originated from the Jiroch system, located within the Mid Rim. Known for their imposing height and physical prowess, the Tunroth possessed unique features such as elongated heads, a single nostril situated vertically on the upper part of their skull, and hands and feet with only three digits. Their wide-set eyes and the sharp horns lining their chins were also distinguishing physical characteristics. Throughout the galaxy, this species gained recognition for their exceptional hunting and tracking capabilities. They had a natural talent for locating prey, leading to the rise of an esteemed group known as the Tunroth Hunters, who were highly sought after as bounty hunters and hunters of large game. The Tunroth's dedication to using traditional hunting tools like the klirun bow and the kilter staff, even with the availability of standard galactic blasters, demonstrated the deep religious significance they placed on their hunting heritage. Each Tunroth settlement was governed by its most accomplished hunter. Characterized by their aggression and diligence, Tunroth often made members of other species feel uneasy.

For millennia, the Tunroth were part of the Galactic Republic. Following their initial interactions with outsiders, they expanded to other habitable planets within their system. In 7 BBY, during the rule of the Galactic Empire, the majority of the Tunroth population was nearly eradicated by Lortan extremists in an event known as the Reslian Purge. The Empire intervened, preventing the complete annihilation of the Tunroth, which fostered a sense of respect for the galactic government. As Tunroth expatriates returned to their homeworld to assist in rebuilding their civilization, the species slowly recovered. The system became part of the Empire, although some Tunroth opposed the Emperor's anti-alien policies as members of the Rebel Alliance. Following the transition from the Galactic Empire to the New Republic, the Tunroth initially remained cautious of the new regime but eventually joined it.

Biology and appearance

A distinctive Tunroth head

Tunroth were sentient mammals that walked on two legs, lacked hair, and typically stood around 1.7 meters tall. Their robust frames supported well-developed muscles, giving them a reputation for exceptional strength. Each hand and foot had only three digits: a large, central, fin-like digit flanked by two opposable thumbs.

The elongated skull, which extended forward over the sloping neck, was the Tunroth's most defining characteristic. This arrangement, along with a prominent vertical nostril positioned above their low, wide-set eyes, gave them a unique appearance. Tunroth also had noticeable teeth and bony, horn-like projections along their lower jaws. Many Tunroth incorporated similar spikes into their attire, such as on shoulder pads and shin guards.

Tunroth developed at a fairly typical pace: they were considered younglings until approximately eleven years old, and society recognized them as full adults by the age of eighteen. Individuals reaching sixty were considered elderly, while those living beyond eighty were regarded as venerable. Tunroth skin tones typically ranged from dark brown to yellow, although orange-skinned Tunroth could be found on certain isolated continents. Tunroth blood was blue in color.

Tunroth possessed a natural tracking ability, commonly called quarry sense. This ability, honed over millennia of hunting, gave them an inherent sense of the direction their prey had taken. Familiarity with the animal or individual being tracked enhanced this skill, making it a crucial aspect of their hunting and tracking prowess.

Society and culture

A Tunroth wielding a kilter


Hunting was the most prevalent occupation among the Tunroth and served as the foundation of their lifestyle. Common creatures found on all Tunroth worlds, such as dlarnic grazers and various nerf breeds, provided essential sustenance. Tunroth began teaching their children to hunt at a very young age, which led to hunters and trackers becoming the most esteemed members of their society. Hunting evolved beyond a mere occupation, becoming symbolic of their worldview and a deeply spiritual pursuit. Ancient stories spoke of valiant Tunroth who defeated the most formidable wild beasts using only the sacred bow known as the klirun.

The klirun was a traditional Tunroth hunting bow, weighing approximately 3.5 kilograms. Featuring a recurve design, the weapon maintained its bow shape even when unstrung. To take advantage of the Tunroth hunters' exceptional strength, the bow required an especially heavy pull. In the hands of a skilled hunter, the weapon was exceptionally accurate and capable of penetrating stormtrooper armor. The bows used caros arrows, which were sometimes tipped with talar, a substance that induced stunning. Talar allowed hunters to deliver non-lethal blows, ensuring live captures. Over time, the klirun became a sacred weapon. Another traditional weapon was the kilter, a sturdy staff.

The Tunroth hunting tradition gradually evolved into the highly structured organization known as the Tunroth Hunters. Only the most accomplished Tunroth were eligible to become Hunters, a process that involved a three-month initiation ritual and approval from three established Hunters. The candidate's skill, judgment, and motivation were the deciding factors. Undesirable traits, such as excessive argumentativeness or greed, could disqualify a candidate regardless of their abilities. There were twenty-seven Hunter levels, with advancement determined by strict criteria. The twelfth level was called shturlan, and the nineteenth was called chirlan. Stiilran was the twenty-seventh and highest level, a rank that was almost never attained—no Tunroth reached it during the reigns of the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, or the New Republic. Nearly all Tunroth aspired to achieve a high level as a Hunter, with the most exceptional Hunters commemorated in the ancient Hall of Predation. This was regarded as a sacred structure by the Tunroth, the only monument of its kind that they recognized.


A Tunroth enjoys a drink

The three Hunters with the highest rank on the species' home planets formed the governing body, known as the Assemblage of Three. This council addressed issues affecting all Tunroth, such as dealing with external threats, alleviating overpopulation, or colonizing new worlds.

Leadership and hunting prowess were also linked in the smaller units of Tunroth society. Each commune, which consisted of 50 to 300 individuals, was led by its most skilled tracker. While it was preferred that these leaders be Hunters, it was not mandatory. Communes without a Hunter would often request that other communes with multiple Hunters assume the leadership role. This ensured prosperity for all Tunroth communities.

The native Tunroth language, known as Tunrothese, consisted of grunts, snarls, and other vocalizations. The written form of this language used pictograms to represent various objects. Most Tunroth also learned to speak Galactic Basic Standard.


As a species, the Tunroth were known for their aggressive and decisive nature, traits that often intimidated members of other species. Renowned for their strength and stamina, Tunroth were generally hardworking and persistent. Their adaptability and ability to quickly adjust to new situations gave them an optimistic outlook. This perspective changed after the near-genocide of their species, known as the Reslian Purge.


Joining the galaxy

A Tunroth and a Twi'lek on the banking world Telerath

Prior to galactic contact, Tunroth society had evolved into a peaceful civilization of hunter-gatherers. They had not developed sophisticated technology, relying instead on animal power and handcrafted goods. After Duros scouts exploring the Jiroch system made first contact around 9000 BBY, the Tunroth quickly joined the Galactic Republic. The Tunroth soon utilized galactic technology to colonize their system, with the Assemblage of Three advocating for the simultaneous colonization of Kalok and Jiroch-Saloch. Some star-charts referred to these planets as Jiroch-Kalok and Jiroch-Saloch, and spacers, along with Jiroch-Reslia, called them the Triumvirate. The Tunroth later colonized Saloch², another world in the system. The system was integrated into the galaxy as part of the Yushan sector and the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane. Duros immigrants settled on the Tunroth colonies of Kalok and Saloch, significantly influencing the architecture of those worlds. From 1004 to 1000 BBY, during the New Sith Wars, the Tunroth's home system was located within a region controlled by the Sith. During the Clone Wars, the Tunroth allied with the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Despite adopting space travel, the Tunroth favored their traditional weapons over blasters and neither purchased nor manufactured advanced weaponry. This policy persisted even as—or perhaps because of—devastating conflicts shook the Republic, and it proved effective for many centuries.

The Reslian Purge

This decision had dire consequences for the Tunroth during the reign of the Galactic Empire. For centuries, religious extremists from Lorta had threatened to invade neighboring sectors. When the aggressive Lortans finally acted on their threats in 7 BBY, they conquered twelve systems before being stopped. Their conquests, known as the Reslian Purge, included the Jiroch system, as well as Rrulinn, Quaensan Prime, and the Dalisor Merchant Fleet. Armed only with their primitive weapons, the Tunroth were defeated by the invaders. In just three months, the Lortans decimated the Tunroth population, reducing it to a mere four million.

The Tunroth repel the Lortans with the aid of the Empire.

The intervention of the Imperial Navy was the only thing that prevented the extinction of the Tunroth people. They ruthlessly crushed the Lortans, with a task force led by the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Abrogator and the 37th Fighter Wing commanded by Soontir Fel. Although the intervention was primarily motivated by the Empire's own interests, the Tunroth were grateful for the assistance. They reluctantly accepted Imperial rule, and many Tunroth became unlikely supporters of Galactic Emperor Palpatine's New Order. However, others resisted the ongoing presence of the Empire, either as members of the Rebellion or within the criminal underworld.

Following the invasion, most Tunroth returned to their homeworld to rebuild their shattered societies. It took the Tunroth a considerable amount of time to come to terms with the tragedy, but it ultimately strengthened their unity across their colonies. The Tunroth also changed their perspective on modern weaponry, and many communes began stockpiling blasters and other high-powered weapons for defensive purposes. The Tunroth developed a deep-seated hatred for the Lortans.

After the Battle of Endor and the subsequent defeat of the Empire, the Tunroth were hesitant to join the New Republic, fearing that they would be seen as Imperial sympathizers. However, these concerns proved unfounded, and the Tunroth were later welcomed into the New Republic. Around 25 ABY, the population of the Jiroch system was estimated to be between one and ten billion. By 137 ABY, the system had fallen under the control of Sith Lord Darth Krayt as part of his Galactic Empire.

Tunroth in the galaxy

A Tunroth on the privateer ship, the Far Orbit

During the era of the Old Republic, numerous Tunroth ventured into the galaxy, utilizing their renowned hunting skills. Wealthy individuals often hired them to lead safaris or capture rare creatures for research. Other hunters excelled as bounty hunters, beast wardens, and big-game hunters. While many Tunroth adventurers were exceptional hunters, some lower-ranking or aspiring hunters exploited their species' reputation to present themselves as more skilled than they actually were. Tunroth who ventured into the stars often embraced advanced technology. They also made use of Republic banking worlds such as Telerath.

Following the Purge, Tunroth became less prevalent in the galaxy, as most returned to their home system to assist with the reconstruction efforts. Some notable Tunroth Hunters who remained offworld included Kiran Tatch and Tonas Vueral. Vueral achieved the chirlan level and was a celebrated tracker. He frequently worked in the Anthos sector, which was home to a significant number of Tunroth immigrants, particularly on Berchest. Kiran Tatch, one of the few survivors of the Reslian Purge, attained the shturlan level as a Hunter. Although unconfirmed, it was rumored that Jabba the Hutt considered hiring him to capture Han Solo. Such was Tatch's reputation that after spitting on Glorga the Hutt, he was able to leave his employment without the crime lord ordering his death. He later joined the elite Granse Confederacy—an organization known for its hostility towards the Rebel Alliance.

Shotarr Kass, a member of Black Sun, and his pet nashtah

Shotarr Kass, also known as "the Strap," was a less honorable member of the Hunters' tradition. Orphaned by the Reslian Purge, Kass chose to train as a Hunter to preserve his cultural heritage. After leaving Jiroch-Reslia, he became the personal bodyguard for Black Sun Vigo, Sprax.

Another shturlan level Hunter was Rathe Palror, a member of the mercenaries known as Churhee's Riflemen. Palror, a sharpshooter, was one of the few survivors of the assault on Y'Trella, where inadequate Imperial support led to the Riflemen's decimation. As a result, he abandoned his former pro-Imperial stance and later teamed up with Rebel Riij Winward in his escape to the planet Tatooine. Other Tunroth also adopted anti-Imperial positions, working for various groups such as the privateer ship Far Orbit.

Xarcce Huwla was a female Tunroth who took more direct action against the Empire. She joined the Rebel Alliance as a fighter pilot. Excelling in an X-wing fighter, Alliance High Command reassigned her to the elite Rogue Squadron. However, she immediately requested a transfer, as she was uninterested in the squadron's reputation for suicide missions. Commander Wedge Antilles delayed processing her request for several missions, during which she formed bonds with the squadron members and ultimately withdrew her transfer request, fighting in numerous important battles and becoming a renowned member of the squadron.

Some Tunroth were Force-sensitive, and some trained as Jedi Knights. Others chose to become Force Adepts who incorporated their traditional klirun bows into Force weapons. Despite the Tunroth's strong denials, persistent rumors circulated about a Jedi artifact—such as a museum, tomb, or temple—hidden within the Jiroch system.

Behind the scenes

The Tunroth were first mentioned in Alliance Intelligence Reports, a book published in 1995 by West End Games, as the species for a minor character.

