
Jiroch-Kalok, alternatively known as Kalok, was a world located in the Yushan sector of the Mid Rim. The Tunroth species, who valued hunting, established a colony on the planet sometime after gaining access to advanced galactic technology. The planets Jiroch-Reslia, Jiroch-Saloch, and Jiroch-Kalok, all within the Jiroch system, were collectively called the Triumvirate by spacers. The planet also saw settlement by a population of Duros, who significantly shaped its architectural style.


Kalok, also called Jiroch-Kalok, was a terrestrial planet positioned as the fourth orbital body within the Jiroch system, which itself resided in the Yushan sector of the Mid Rim's Western Reaches. The star system had connectivity to both the Dalisor system and the Quamar system in the Bruanii sector by way of the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane.


In the Reslian Purge, the Lortan Fanatics (a member depicted on the bottom left) attacked the Jiroch system.

Millennia before the Galactic Civil War took place, the Tunroth species, originating from the Jiroch system's Jiroch-Reslia, became part of the Galactic Republic, gaining galactic-level technology and developing hyperdrive capabilities in the process. This led them to colonize Jiroch-Kalok and Jiroch-Saloch, two other planets in the Jiroch system. Spacers often called Jiroch-Kalok, Jiroch-Saloch, and Jiroch-Reslia collectively the Triumvirate, honoring the Assemblage of Three. The Assemblage, comprised of the three most powerful Tunroth hunters, governed Tunroth society and facilitated the simultaneous colonization of Jiroch-Kalok and Jiroch-Saloch. For a period of time, many Duros also established settlements on both of these planets, significantly impacting the local architecture.

During the Reslian Purge in 10 BBY, the [Lortan Fanatics](/article/lortan_fanatics], driven by expansionist aims, launched an assault on the Jiroch system. The Tunroth, unable to defend themselves effectively with their limited technology, suffered massive losses, with millions dying and their population dwindling to four million. The Galactic Empire intervened, preventing further attacks and defeating the fanatics. Following the devastating event, the three planets within the Jiroch system began reconstruction efforts.


The Tunroth, having colonized Jiroch-Kalok, established a tranquil society that revolved around hunting communities, where hunters were held in the highest regard. Before joining the Republic and acquiring the technology that enabled the colonization of Jiroch-Kalok, they had developed only basic technology beyond simple animal power. However, even with access to advanced technology, few Tunroth ventured far into the galaxy, as many chose to return to their home system to aid in the rebuilding process. They lived in communal groups, each led by a tracker, consisting of approximately fifty to three hundred individuals.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Jiroch-Kalok appeared in a contribution by C. Robert Carey to Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, a roleplaying supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1995. Initially referred to as Kalok, the planet's full name was provided in Ultimate Alien Anthology, a 2003 supplement for Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game. The reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009 located the Jiroch system, and therefore Jiroch-Kalok, in grid square K-17.


Notes and references
