Capture of Ali Tarrak

The seizing of Ali Tarrak marked the definitive conclusion to the Renegade's widespread distribution of the TIE Defenders, the apprehension of the Nami ringleader Ali Tarrak, and the culmination of the New Threats operation.


Grand Admiral Zaarin oversaw the Empire's Starfighter research and development programs. His masterpiece was the TIE Defender, a starfighter that surpassed all others in shielding, velocity, and firepower. However, after pioneering both the TIE Defender and the Beam weaponry integrated into his fighters, Emperor Palpatine anticipated Zaarin's future contributions. Regrettably, Zaarin secretly plotted a Coup d'état to usurp the Empire's leadership. His abduction attempt faltered, thanks to Imperial Ace Maarek Stele, who previously aided Zaarin in acquiring hyperdrive technology.

Following the destruction of all TIE Advanced factories within the Omar system, Zaarin redirected his focus to his Research platform. This was due to the presence of remaining TIE Defender technology that could be plundered and destroyed to prevent the Empire from obtaining any TIE Defenders. Nonetheless, loyalist forces, supported by Maarek Stele, obstructed Zaarin's endeavors. After the second failed attempt, Zaarin personally intervened to obliterate the facility aboard his flagship Glory. Stele delayed Zaarin sufficiently for two prototypes to be loaded onto a freighter with staff, including the Chief Scientist, and for the staff to board a shuttle G'nabgib. The effort to deliver the prototypes to Admiral Thrawn encountered significant setbacks. Rneekii Pirates kidnapped the Chief Scientist, while Nami raiders, led by Ali Tarrak, pilfered a prototype.

The Empire saved the scientist from the Rneekii pirates, only to be deceived into surrendering the Chief Scientist to Zaarin. Zaarin then transferred the scientist to Tarrak, who intended to disseminate the TIE Defender technology, especially to the Rebel Alliance, and organized a demonstration for the Rebels to showcase its capabilities. Admiral Thrawn introduced a game-changing asset by developing a new fighter known as the Missile Boat, and its initial two combat deployments proved its effectiveness. After locating Tarrak's factory, Thrawn organized a large-scale attack from his Star Destroyer Grey Wolf.

Thrawn recognized a similarity between himself and Tarrak, and he persuaded Palpatine that she could be valuable. He received orders to capture Tarrak and escort her to Coruscant, where she would have the chance to serve the Emperor.

The Engagement

Thrawn's TIE Interceptors clashed with Tarrak's T-wings from Pincer Squadron. By the time Stele launched from the Grey Wolf, Pincer had only two fighters remaining. Stele engaged SLAM to bypass the T-wings and confront the Y-wings of Gold Devil Squadron. Subsequently, he attempted to destroy TIE Defenders from Red Devil Squadron and Blue Devil Squadron, but he encountered difficulty due to the Mines deployed around the Deep Space Manufacturing Facility Tarrak intercepting the Warheads before they could reach their targets.

The Defenders launched from their containers, despite having incomplete shields. Red Devil engaged Stele in a dogfight and was defeated, while Blue Devil attempted to attack the Grey Wolf but was intercepted by Stele. After clearing the mines, the Grey Wolf launched TIE Bombers to destroy the Tarrak. As the shields failed, Tarrak abandoned the factory with the Chief Scientist aboard a YT-1300 light freighter named Dhoora. Stele launched missiles at the freighter, and Tarrak warned, "Stay back, or your precious scientist dies!" However, Thrawn called her bluff, assuring her that such an action would result in her own death. Assault Gunboats were then launched and disabled the freighter, followed by a Stormtrooper Transport Epsilon 1 to board and seize the freighter.

Simultaneously, a Rebel strike force consisting of X-wings, A-wings, the Independence, and two Strike-class medium cruisers, Lonsigar 1 and 2, arrived. The Grey Wolf launched TIE Fighters to assist Stele as he destroyed both Strike Cruisers and damaged the Independence enough to force it to jump to Hyperspace. The area was secured.


The battle proved to be a resounding triumph for the Empire, averting the potential uncontrolled distribution of TIE Defenders to numerous factions, including the Alliance. Once more, the sole TIE Defenders posing a threat to the Empire were those under Zaarin's command. Palpatine personally promoted Thrawn to Grand Admiral and tasked him with locating and eliminating Zaarin and his loyal command. Thrawn resumed his pursuit of the traitor.

Stele received the Medal of Horror. He would soon return to duty to assist Thrawn in hunting down Zaarin.

Production Notes

This battle is featured in the 1994 computer game Star Wars TIE Fighter as Battle 10, Combat 6. The battle raises concerns because the cruiser Independence must be destroyed as part of a "Bonus" objective. This article assumes that the Independence escaped destruction, as the ship is depicted in subsequent media, including Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance.

The TIE Defender group Blue Devil is displayed in-game as Blue Devl. This is presumed to be a typographical error. The Independence also suffers, as it is shown in the game as Independenc due to issues.

