Imperial Ace

The figure known as the "Imperial Ace" functioned as a TIE pilot within the ranks of the Imperial Navy during the period of the Galactic Civil War. This Ace was a participant in the Battle of Mygeeto which took place in 3 ABY. During this conflict, the Galactic Empire was engaged in an attempt to seize back control of the Outer Rim planet of Mygeeto from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Ace was a crucial element in the Imperial triumph, defending the Super Star Destroyer named Executor from attacks by Rebel forces, while also offering aerial support to the Imperial ground forces. These deeds attracted the attention of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, who then chose the Ace to pilot his personal TIE Advanced x1 on a critical mission: the destruction of the Rebel outpost's primary power generator.


The battle of Mygeeto

Preparing for battle

This person, existing in the Imperial era, held the position of a TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy amid the Galactic Civil War, and was recognized as an ace starfighter pilot circa 3 ABY.

In the year 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire became aware of the establishment of a outpost by the Alliance to Restore the Republic on the planet Mygeeto. This Outer Rim world possessed a crust almost entirely made of crystalline structures, and had been used previously by the Empire as a currency reserve. Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, spearheaded a Star Destroyer fleet in an invasion of Mygeeto, aiming to reclaim the planet. To ensure the operation's success, Vader hand-picked exceptional pilots from across the Empire to serve on his flagship, the Super Star Destroyer known as the Executor, including the Imperial Ace.

Upon the fleet's arrival at Mygeeto, Admiral Firmus Piett, who commanded the Executor, tasked the Imperial Ace's squadron with a reconnaissance mission in orbit. The Ace's scouting encountered Rebel starfighters, but the Imperials' TIE/LN starfighters proved to be a worthy match for the Rebel A-wings and X-wings. After neutralizing the opposition, the Imperials went back to the Executor. Analysis of the reconnaissance data gathered by the Ace revealed to Admiral Piett that the Rebels were aware of the Imperial fleet's presence.

Rebel counterattack

The Ace is briefed by Admiral Firmus Piett.

Anticipating a counterattack from the Rebel fleet, Piett, upon discovering Rebel scouts in the vicinity of the Mygeeto asteroid field, deployed the Ace to stop them from gaining further insight into the Imperial forces. Navigating the asteroid field in a TIE/IN interceptor, the Ace thwarted the escape of multiple X-wings and Y-wings that carried information about the Imperial fleet, before returning to the Executor.

As predicted, the Rebel fleet soon arrived and engaged the Imperial forces, prompting Piett to order the Ace to join the defense of the armada. Piloting a TIE/D Defender, the Ace was a vital asset in the battle, fighting through numerous enemy fighters and utilizing his concussion missiles to aid in the destruction of several enemy CR90 corvettes, EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates and GR-75 medium transports. The Ace's performance led Piett to personally recommend him to Darth Vader.

Ground assault

Darth Vader briefs the Ace.

As the Imperial ground forces prepared to land on the planet's surface, the Dark Lord of the Sith entrusted the Ace with a special assignment: providing aerial support for the operation. Flying a TIE/sa bomber, the Ace traversed the planet's canyons and engaged enemy ground units, including T-47 airspeeders, before executing proton bomb runs on the Rebel's spaceport and ion cannons. The Ace's success instilled confidence in Vader that the Rebels would soon surrender.

While Vader personally led the All Terrain Scout Transport attack on the Rebel headquarters, he provided the Ace with his personal TIE Advanced x1 for another special mission: destroying the Rebel base's main power generator before the ground forces advanced. Returning to the surface, the Ace fought through enemy Y-wings and used his concussion missiles to eliminate the power generator. With the generator destroyed, the Imperial ground forces swiftly overwhelmed the remaining Rebel forces.

Following the battle, the Ace received high honors for his role in the Imperial victory. Darth Vader also sensed that the pilot possessed some potential with the dark side of the Force. The Dark Lord of the Sith maintained a close watch on his career.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Ace was developed as the character controlled by the player in the 2006 mobile phone video game titled Star Wars: Imperial Ace, which was created by Fishlabs Entertainment GmbH and released in Europe. The Ace is exclusively depicted in the flight suit of a TIE pilot, leaving the character's physical appearance unknown. The character's name is also not provided within the game. While the Ace's pronouns are not explicitly stated in the game, promotional material indicates "As a TIE fighter ace pilot the player receives his orders from Admiral Piett and Darth Vader himself."

