Battle of the Eva-T system

The Eva-T system conflict unfolded in two distinct phases, pitting the forces of the Galactic Empire against a coalition of Nami pirates and the Rebel Alliance. This clash was triggered by the revelation that the Nami pirates had managed to acquire and deploy operational TIE Defenders.

Initial Events

Following the theft of an Imperial TIE Defender prototype, aided by the defection of Grand Admiral Zaarin, and the subsequent kidnapping of the Chief Scientist overseeing the TIE Defender project, the Nami leader and prominent crime lord, Ali Tarrak, secured the means to independently manufacture TIE Defenders. A demonstration of these fighters, observed by a Rebel cruiser, revealed her intention to sell them to various entities, notably the Rebel Alliance, for profit.

Admiral Thrawn was assigned the task of neutralizing this emerging threat. His own starfighter initiative had been underway since the initial abduction of the Chief Scientist by the Rneekii. The discovery of a Nami Strike cruiser preparing to meet with Rebel forces to finalize the purchase of eight TIE Defenders prompted Thrawn to deploy Maarek Stele, the Empire's top Imperial Ace, to field-test his new Missile Boat design in its first official combat engagement.

The Engagements

Phase One

Two Missile Boats, accompanied by Assault Gunboats, intercepted the Nami at the designated rendezvous point, initiating combat with the T-wings of Gorgg Squadron. The Strike cruiser Nuance dispatched additional T-wings in waves, while simultaneously deploying three stormtrooper transports of Miner to lay mines around its perimeter. As the T-wings suffered significant losses, the Rebel Carrack-class light cruiser Prism arrived on the scene.

Stele successfully eliminated the remaining T-wings and destroyed all three mine-laying transports. He then assisted the Assault Gunboats in disabling the Nuance. Shortly thereafter, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Grey Wolf arrived, deploying an Assault transport to board and seize the Nuance, securing the eight TIE Defenders. With the aid of the gunboats, the Prism was destroyed before it could escape into hyperspace. Stele detected and destroyed a nearby probe designated Yey. Thrawn later learned of Tarrak's clandestine TIE Defender manufacturing facility. However, anticipating further Rebel resistance, he prepared for a second engagement.

Phase Two

As expected, the Alliance dispatched three Carrack cruisers, designated Kingdom, to assault the Grey Wolf. Stele launched in a Missile Boat to engage the X-wings targeting the Grey Wolf, followed by intercepting the A-wings as they finished off the TIE fighters. Stele then repelled two Y-wing squadrons launching torpedo runs against the Star Destroyer. The Carrack cruisers then deployed Z-95 Headhunters, which Maarek Stele also countered. He proceeded to launch space bombs at the cruisers. During this assault, the escort shuttle Black Box launched from one of the cruisers, carrying Rebel Commanders. Stele identified and destroyed the shuttle before it could escape. The cruisers were subsequently destroyed.


The loss of three Carrack cruisers and their complement of Commanders represented a substantial setback for the Rebellion. The battle also served to highlight the effectiveness of the Missile Boat design. Following the Rebel defeat, Thrawn turned his attention to eliminating Tarrak's TIE Defender production facility.

Production Notes

This battle is depicted in the 1994 PC game Star Wars: TIE Fighter. Specifically, it encompasses Battle 10, missions 4 and 5. This summary assumes the successful completion of all "Primary," "Secondary," and "Bonus" objectives within the game.

