Wolff Kalos

During the Galactic Civil War, a male officer in the Rebel Alliance, named Wolff Kalos, served on Rori.


Mirrian, the sister of Wolff Kalos, resided in their parent's previous residence. Following the Battle of Yavin, Sergeant Major Wolff Kalos found his post on Rori, the moon orbiting Naboo. Under the command of General Garax Hadriin, he was stationed at a small base located in the jungle, yet he spent most of his time operating out of the city of Narmle.

Wolff Kalos became entangled in the search for Cal Handro in 1 ABY. Handro was a missing pilot who disappeared after his crash on Rori. The smuggler was transporting a novel type of spice for the Rebel Alliance within the Naboo system when his ship went down. Consequently, both the Black Sun criminal organization and the Galactic Empire sought him. Veega Madish, another Rebel Officer, was initially assigned to the pilot's rescue; however, the situation changed when the Alliance learned of Handro's past involvement in smuggling slaves for Trandoshan slavers aligned with the Empire. Wolff Kalos then received orders to apprehend the pilot, who was now regarded as a traitor. Cal Handro sought refuge at the estate belonging to Tierce Martano, a wealthy gambler and old acquaintance. Ultimately, Black Sun operatives located him and launched an assault on the estate. Martano reached out to both Wolff Kalos and M'Kae, an Imperial Officer, to negotiate the pilot's whereabouts in exchange for assistance against Black Sun.

Before Tierce Martano could receive a response from either Kalos or M'Kae, a group of spacers intervened and eliminated all Black Sun forces, rescuing him. These spacers had been recruited by Rebel Officer Madish with the intent of locating the missing pilot. Eager to be rid of Handro, Martano readily provided the spacers with Handro's location, and they subsequently contacted Wolff Kalos. Kalos immediately dispatched agents to retrieve Cal Handro, transferring him to a Rebel Safe House. However, the Empire also obtained the information and promptly sent a mercenary group to attack the safe house. Despite the spacers' swift arrival to aid the Rebel forces, the pilot exploited the chaos to escape with a contingent of Imperial agents. Handro accepted the Empire's assistance and eventually departed Rori aboard a Warlord Heavy Cruiser.

As Cal Handro prepared to leave the Naboo system, Wolff Kalos instructed the Rebel spacers to interrogate Officer M'Kae, Tierce Martano's Imperial contact, suspecting his involvement in Handro's escape. When the Imperial officer proved unwilling to cooperate, Kalos authorized his agents to assault a small Imperial Base on Rori where M'Kae was stationed. The objective was to gather incriminating evidence against the Imperial officer. Following a successful assault, which also resulted in the demise of Imperial General Korra, M'Kae finally disclosed that Cal Handro was en route to Kashyyyk. The spacers hastened to the nearest spaceport and launched into space to intercept Cal Handro's ship. Piloting their starfighters, the spacers engaged the Imperial cruiser and its escort. Ultimately, Cal Handro perished in the ship's explosion.

Behind the scenes

Possible depiction of Wolff Kalos.

Wolff Kalos existed as a non-player character inside the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Wolff Kalos was integrated into the game through the fourth segment of the "Secrets of the Syren" quest series, which was launched alongside "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative was taken out of the game with "Chapter 1," released on June 8, 2006, because of the considerable modifications scheduled for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.

Given that Verks spawned under the common "rebel_sergeant_major" template using six distinct Interchange File Formats, his visual appearance was randomly selected from six potential depictions and would change after each server reset. Nonetheless, the quest journal specified Verks as being male.

In the fourth part of "Secrets of the Syren", players were required to choose to align themselves with either the Empire or the Rebels. The storyline diverged at this juncture, as Cal Handro would consistently side with the faction opposing the player. When playing as the Empire, the player would collaborate with Officer M'Kae and would need to compel Wolff Kalos to reveal Cal Handro's whereabouts, either through bribery or by threatening Kalos's family.

