An Imperial Base existed on Rori, the moon of Naboo, during the Galactic Civil War era.
Following the Battle of Yavin, General Brant Korra was in command of the Imperial installation. The base's personnel included storm commandos, Novatroopers, and was the station of Officer M'Kae.
In 1 ABY, Imperial operatives and Rebel agents operating on Rori became involved in the pursuit of Cal Handro. Handro, a smuggler, had disappeared after his ship crashed on Rori while carrying a novel type of spice for the Rebel Alliance. Officer M'Kae spearheaded the Empire's investigation. Simultaneously, Wolff Kalos, a Rebel Officer, undertook a parallel mission for the Alliance.
Imperial operatives dispatched by Officer M'Kae eventually extracted Cal Handro from a Rebel Safe House. Wolff Kalos, suspecting M'Kae's involvement, sent Rebel spacers to interrogate the Imperial officer in an attempt to locate Handro. When the Imperial officer proved unwilling to cooperate, Kalos instructed his agents to launch an attack on the Imperial Base where M'Kae was stationed, hoping to uncover incriminating evidence. The raid proved successful, with the Rebel operatives acquiring M'Kae's journal. General Korra was killed during the attack.
The Rori Imperial Base featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. The base was introduced to the game as part of the fourth installment of the "Secrets of the Syren" storyline, which was released with "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative was removed from the game with the "Chapter 1," released on June 8, 2006, because of the significant changes planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.
In the fourth quest of the "Secrets of the Syren" arc, the player had to choose to work with either Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos or Imperial Officer M'Kae. This article assumes that the player was affiliated the Rebel Alliance. If the player instead chose the Empire, he/she would have to attack a Rebel base and kill Alliance General Garax Hadriin instead of killing General Brant Korra in the Imperial base.
In the fourth quest of the "Secrets of the Syren" arc, the player had to choose to work with either Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos or Imperial Officer M'Kae. This article assumes that the player was affiliated the Rebel Alliance. If the player chose the Empire, he/she would have to attack a Rebel base and kill Alliance General Garax Hadriin instead of killing General Brant Korra in the Imperial base. Bribing Officer M'Kae to get information allowed players to bypass the portion of the quest that involved General Brant Korra and the Imperial base.