A glimpse into the interior of the Rebel Base led by Garax Hadriin
During the Galactic Civil War era, a Rebel Base was active on Rori, which is a moon orbiting Naboo. This base was situated in a mountainous part of the Asworal Everglades, located quite a distance to the south of the city known as Narmle. Following the Battle of Yavin, General Garax Hadriin of the Rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic took command of the base. Wolff Kalos, a Rebel Officer, was also assigned to this particular base.
The Rori Rebel Base was a setting featured in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game from 2003, prior to the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. It was introduced into the game as part of the fourth segment of the "Secrets of the Syren" quest series, which was launched with "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" storyline was later removed from the game with the "Chapter 1," update on June 8, 2006, due to significant modifications planned for Rori with the arrival of the Battle of Restuss.
During the fourth quest in the "Secrets of the Syren" story arc, the player had the choice of siding with either Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos or Imperial Officer M'Kae. This text will proceed under the assumption that the player chose to support the Rebel Alliance. While searching for Cal Handro and the Syren spice on Rori, Rebel players were required to assault an Imperial Base and eliminate Imperial General Brant Korra to gather evidence implicating Officer M'Kae. Conversely, if the player sided with the Empire, they would have to attack General Hadriin's base and kill Garax Hadriin in order to obtain information about Wolff Kalos.