The union of Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran was celebrated in two stages, commencing in 382 BBY. The initial ceremony took place at The Rook on the planet E'ronoh, followed by a second celebration in Erasmus Capital City on the planet Eiram. As the Prince and heir of Eiram, Phan-tu Zenn, and Princess Xiri A'lbaran, the heir of E'ronoh, both hoped their marriage would ensure a lasting peaceful alliance between their worlds, putting a definitive end to the Eiram and E'ronoh War.
While in Erasmus, Xiri chose to wear a red, pink and gold gown that previously belonged to her mother; its colors reminded both Xiri and her father, the Monarch of E'ronoh, of an E'ronoh sunset. The Queens of Eiram presented her with a matching veil embellished with pearls caught by Phan-Tu. A'lbaran secretly carried a blaster within her dress and walked barefoot on the sand. Phan-Tu was dressed in a white robe, following Eirami custom, and also carried a bane blade with a pale-green gemstones handle.
Due to the threat posed by the Children of E'ronoh terrorist organization, the ceremony planned for E'ronoh was called off. The Eiram ceremony came under attack from a group of bounty hunters hired by Axel Greylark, as well as the Children of E'ronoh, which forced the Jedi Order and wedding attendees to defend themselves. A'lbaran took command of starfighter pilots from both Eiram and E'ronoh, spearheading the counterattack against the Children in a starfighter.