A male member of a blue-skinned species, named Vu Chusker, was affiliated with crime lord Cabrool Nuum. In the year 5 BBY, following Nuum's death by a short time, Chusker met his end at the hands of the Hutt crime boss Jabba Desilijic Tiure on the planet Smarteel.
In 5 BBY, a year, Vu Chusker was known to be associated with Cabrool Nuum, a crime lord who operated from the planet Smarteel. By this point, Nuum had begun to view Chusker as a significant threat and therefore requested that Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt crime lord, assassinate his associate as a personal favor. Jabba, who had only heard about Chusker, refused, leading Nuum to imprison Jabba in an attempt to force his compliance. With the help of Nuum's son Rusk, the Hutt managed to escape and subsequently killed his captor. He then proceeded to kill Rusk and his sister Norba when they assumed power and demanded Chusker's death as well. Shortly after the Nuum family's demise, Chusker arrived on Smarteel to meet with Nuum, where he encountered Jabba. He questioned the Hutt's presence on Smarteel, and upon Jabba learning Chusker's identity, he crushed him with his tail.

The character of Vu Chusker made his debut appearance in 1995 within Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap, a comic book authored by Jim Woodring and with illustrations by Art Wetherell. Later, he received a mention in issue 64 of The Official Star Wars Fact File, and a dedicated entry was included in the 2008 edition of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.