Rusk Nuum, sibling to Norba and offspring of Cabrool Nuum, shared his sister's ambition for control of their father's illicit organization.

Following Cabrool's command to imprison Jabba for his unwillingness to eliminate Vu Chusker, Rusk proposed aiding the Hutt in his escape. The condition was that Jabba would assassinate his father, whom Rusk claimed had lost his sanity. Jabba consented, and the following day, Cabrool Nuum met his end at Jabba's hands, thus placing Rusk at the helm of his father's criminal enterprise.
Nevertheless, Rusk repeated his father's error by misjudging Jabba, treating him as a mere subordinate. He casually instructed him to demonstrate loyalty by murdering Vu Chusker. Upon Jabba's refusal, Rusk, mirroring his father's actions, had the Hutt confined to the dungeon. However, Rusk's sister, Norba, liberated Jabba, who immediately retaliated against Rusk, crushing him with his immense weight.