Varna (Andraven)

Varna was a trainer of wellagrins from the Andraven species, residing on their home planet, also named Andraven. Back in 232 BBY, Varna supervised Gumar Adraki and Jam, both locals, as they guided visiting Jedi younglings on a quest to assist a wellagrin herd with their migration. Before their departure, Varna shared some wisdom, and upon their return, offered a warm welcome. Later, they were present at Visitor's Day on Tenoo and the yearly wellagrin egg hatching event on Andraven. Subsequently, in that same year, Varna initiated the Ancestors Circuit tradition for Adraki on Andraven, and later expressed pride in his successful completion.


During the High Republic Era, Varna worked as a wellagrin trainer of the Andraven species, living on the snowy planet of Andraven alongside fellow villagers Gumar Adraki and Jam. In 232 BBY, as the wellagrins prepared to migrate to the far side of a mountain in search of more food, Varna, Adraki, and Jam were joined by three Jedi younglings: Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. The younglings started by learning to ride the wellagrins, a task at which Solay excelled, while the others struggled. Varna began to offer advice about self-patience, but the trainer's comlink suddenly rang—Jedi Master Zia Zanna, the Jedi's master, was calling. Zanna thanked Varna for accommodating the Jedi and inquired about their progress; the trainer responded that they were adapting well and ready to aid the wellagrin migration.

The returning group skids to a halt in front of Varna.

Before their departure, Varna advised the group to stay on the trail, avoid avalanches, and reach the orchard before dark due to the night's snowstorms. With that, they departed, while Nash Durango, the Jedi's friend, transported Varna to the orchard in her starship, the Crimson Firehawk. Before nightfall, the Jedi, villagers, and wellagrins slid down the mountain into the orchard, propelled by an avalanche they had inadvertently triggered. They nearly crashed into Varna and Durango, but their mission was a success – Varna made sure everyone was safe. That night, they gathered around a heater as Solay recounted the day's events. Zanna, appearing via hologram, and Varna both expressed their pride in the younglings, assuring the Jedi that they were welcome on Andraven anytime.

Later, Varna, Adraki, and Jam paid a visit to the Jedi on their home planet of Tenoo for Visitor's Day, an event that drew visitors from across the galaxy. Sometime later on Andraven, Varna was present at the annual hatching of the wellagrin eggs, alongside Adraki, Jam, and the three younglings. Later in the same year, Varna participated in the Ancestors Circuit on Andraven, a tradition honoring the first settlers of their world. Varna signaled the start of the event with their flute, telling Adraki that he had three challenges to overcome before sunset, and then sent him on his way. Later that day, Varna was surprised when Adraki returned to the starting area riding a zaba wolf, a creature rarely seen on Andraven. Varna then stepped forward to pet the animal, commending Adraki for his achievement.

Personality and traits

Varna offered the children advice and direction for their mission and made certain to check on them after their success. The Andraven was proud of Adraki's accomplishment of completing the Ancestors Circuit and praised him. Varna possessed yellow eyes, gray skin, gray hair, and belonged to the sentient trunked Andraven species.


Varna wore a tricolored hat adorned with pompoms, a matching maroon dress, and mittens. The Andraven also owned a kao reed flute.

Behind the scenes

Varna's first appearance was in "Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue," the initial segment of the fourth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures's first season. The episode was released on May 4, 2023. The voice of Varna was provided by Sharon Muthu.

