The animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures presents its fourth episode, beginning with "Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue". It premiered on May 4, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming platform.
Zia Zaldor Zanna, a Jedi Master, has dispatched Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, who are Jedi younglings, along with Nash Durango and RJ-83 to the icy world of Andraven. The children are seated atop wellagrins, horned, seal-like creatures, within a snow-covered stable. Varna, an Andraven, uses a holoprojector to contact Master Zia. Zanna expresses her gratitude to Varna for hosting the younglings. Varna believes the younglings are prepared to accompany Gumar and Jam on the wellagrin migration.
Gumar and Jam clarify that they will accompany the wellagrins as they journey yearly to the orchards. Solay is enthusiastic because she loves animals. Varna cautions the younglings to stay on the designated path, pointing out the risk of avalanches. She also advises them to reach their destination before nightfall due to the increasing storminess. Nubs nods in agreement. Durango announces that she and RJ-83 will transport Varna to the other side of the mountains aboard the Crimson Firehawk, and expresses her anticipation for some moogan tea. Zanna advises the younglings that if the trip becomes challenging, they should pause and take a deep breath. She says "may the Force be with you", and tells them to enjoy themselves.
The younglings proceed on foot as the wellagrins glide through the snow. Two wellagrins deviate from the path, but Gumar uses his flute playing to guide them back to the group. Jam attempts to emulate his friend, but his flute skills are less refined. Solay offers encouragement to Jam, who then invites the Jedi younglings to try playing their flutes. The Jedi struggle, but Gumar and Jam provide positive feedback. A wellagrin named Snowball wanders off the established route.
Solay attempts to signal Snowball using her flute, but inadvertently triggers an avalanche. The avalanche carries the wellagrin herd down the slope. Gumar assures Solay that they will be safe, as the wellagrins are capable of swimming in the snow. The five younglings find safety on higher ground. Solay is discouraged by her difficulty in playing the flute. Brightstar and Nubs reassure her that they will locate the wellagrins before the storm intensifies. Nubs suggests using the flute, but Gumar doubts that the herd will be able to hear them from a distance. Brightstar proposes splitting up, and they agree to this plan.
Solay and Gumar, who is carrying a baby wellagrin, discover a female wellagrin trapped in a purple, vine-like plant. Although the creature is initially afraid, Solay successfully calms the wellagrin and persuades her to move backwards out of the vines. Gumar observes Solay's ability to connect with animals. Solay says that animals also have feelings. Brightstar contacts her, requesting her assistance. Simultaneously, Brightstar and Nubs are struggling to move a stubborn wellagrin while Jam observes. Gumar arrives with Solay and the female wellagrin. Solay uses the Force to jump into a tree and retrieves a purple fruit. She gives the fruit to the wellagrin, enticing it to follow them. Solay takes the lead in the gathering operation. Brightstar and Nubs dig through the snow to reach two wellagrins. The three younglings use the Force to levitate a fifth wellagrin.
Later that evening, Jam is comforting the hungry young wellagrin and feeding him under a tree. Meanwhile, Gumar informs the group that they must descend to the orchard before nightfall. He notices that Jam is missing. Elsewhere, Jam realizes he is alone and attempts to comfort the young wellagrin. The others are unable to locate Jam due to the heavy snowfall. Solay expresses her frustration with the situation, but Brightstar and Nubs remind her of Master Zia's advice to pause and take a deep breath. The three younglings sit in the snow and meditate in the Force.
Solay suggests using the flute to signal Jam. Jam responds by playing his flute, and the group travels with the herd to find Jam. They are able to pinpoint Jam's location through flute communication. Gumar and Jam run towards each other, but their footprints cause an avalanche down a steep incline. Solay encourages her friends to get on a wellagrin. Jam is carried by the avalanche, but Solay pursues him on her wellagrin and manages to pull him to safety. The group rides their wellagrins towards a settlement on the other side of the mountains where Durango and others are waiting. The avalanche stops just before reaching the village, and Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs are overjoyed.
Later that night, the younglings share their adventures with Master Zia, who expresses her pride in their accomplishments. Varna extends an invitation for them to return to Andraven at any time. Jam playfully throws a snowball at Solay. The children then engage in a snowball fight.