The zaba wolf was a mythical species of wolf that existed on the planet of Andraven. The people of Andraven once formed bonds with these zaba wolves, using kao reed flutes to befriend them and even ride them as mounts. However, by approximately 232 BBY, these wolves had not been seen for many years. During Gumar Adraki's Ancestors Circuit on Andraven, a zaba wolf materialized and chased Adraki along with his companions: the Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. While the Jedi diverted the wolf's attention, Andraki crafted a flute out of kao reed. Playing the flute, Andraki became friends with the wolf, which then transported him to the circuit's finish line.
The zaba wolf made its debut in "The Andraven Circuit," which is the second segment of the seventh episode from Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures' second season, an animated show. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for the wolf in this episode, which premiered with the season's initial episodes on August 14, 2024. Chris Blackstock, an illustrator, created the wolf's design.