Unidentified planet (West Fissure)

A celestial body, a planet, revolved in orbit around a star, its sun, whose frequent solar flares had a consistent impact on the majority of the planetary surface. Diverse weather patterns characterized the planet's climate, including unusual phenomena like dry rain, glacial cysts, irrational echoes, spotted snow, resistance shadows, and talking fogs. A significant geographical feature was the West Fissure, a vast area encompassing arzen fields, shallow valleys, and depressions. The planet's fauna included creatures like the mind eel, and its inhabitants consisted of dust farmers as well as grain distributors.

An atomic blast subsequently occurred on the moon named Raspar-6. It was anticipated that the explosion would influence the planet's atmosphere and climate. This event was highlighted in a weather prediction, which detailed the expected climate conditions for the West Fissure throughout an entire local year.


A land-based planet, identifiable by chalk deposits on its surface, followed an orbital path around a sun. Luminous solar flares regularly marked a substantial portion of the world's expanse. A weather prediction once suggested that the southern sectors of the planetary region referred to as the West Fissure would encounter nostalgic earthquakes.

The climate within the West Fissure experienced variations across the months of the planet's year, with alternating periods of warming and cooling. Winters were also a common occurrence in the West Fissure. The planet's atmospheric events encompassed clouds composed of Mooxx fat, dry rain, glacial cysts, irrational echoes, spotted snow, resistance shadows, and talking fogs, along with increasing precipitation that led to erupting snow at lower altitudes. Additionally, the world's surface was subject to magnetic radiation and ionic phase shifts, with the latter potentially fluctuating on a daily basis. The mind eel was a species indigenous to the planet, with these creatures and their offspring displaying excitement in response to the solar flares impacting their homeworld.


The Relevant Farm Act of Thairwsthis 12 was at one point enacted, setting crop boundaries on the planet. The native mind eels, however, disregarded these boundaries, which posed a possible threat to the local farmers. Later, an atomic blast detonated on the moon Raspar-6. A subsequent weather forecast for the planet's West Fissure region indicated that this explosion could potentially have a prolonged, months-long impact on the planet's atmospheric and surface conditions. The weather forecast provided farmers with information about the anticipated weather conditions throughout the local year, specifically noting the effect of the Raspar-6 explosion on the planet.


The planet was inhabited by dust farmers, who sometimes employed hydroponics within fribulation tanks. The world's residents cultivated root-bound seedlings and provided irrigation to arzen fields. The population also included grain distributors. A specific calendar was in use on the planet, comprising nine months: Ensi, Stolivea, Aint, Nnters, Hinggnih, Neevlit, Dha, Bababbb, and Aaaaaalt. Several commemorative events, known as the Days of Rejection, were observed on the planet, with the inaugural Day of Rejection occurring sometime after the beginning of Ensi.


The West Fissure, also identified as Region 29, was a designated area on the planet. It contained arzen fields, shallow valleys, and hollows, and its expansive size resulted in climatic variations between its northern and southern sections.

Behind the scenes

The planet was referenced in the 1993 publication Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas, a book that combined creature designs and photographs from various projects of George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars franchise, along with original text written by Bob Carrau. Lucasfilm employee Leland Chee, who is responsible for maintaining the Holocron continuity database, has stated that information found in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas is considered non-canonical in relation to the Star Wars Legends continuity.

However, the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas and its StarWars.com Online Companion expanded upon the mention of the moon Raspar-6 in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas. It was featured as part of an in-universe weather forecast that affected the planet. These sources introduced the Raspar system, which was located within the Tragan Cluster, a region belonging to the New Territories area of the Outer Rim Territories.


  • Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
