Unidentified one-eyed Gungan

A Gungan with a single eye functioned as a mercenary in the employ of Attuma Duum circa 21 BBY. In that year, Aayla Secura, a Jedi Knight, made an attempt to apprehend Duum, but was compelled to escape. Donning altered clone trooper armor and armed with a blaster, this Gungan allied with Sabat, the head of Duum's security, along with other mercenaries, in a pursuit of Secura on the moon known as Cavamina Minor. After Secura was surrounded, she escaped; Shon-Ju, a renegade Force-sensitive, and his apprentices stepped in, launching an assault on the mercenaries. An Ithorian among the students struck the Gungan, causing him to fall. Sabat escaped to avoid a direct confrontation with Shon-Ju, which allowed Shon-Ju to administer medical assistance to Secura.

Behind the scenes

This character is featured in a scene within the 2010 graphic novella titled The Clone Wars: Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju.

