Sabat (mercenary)

Sabat, a male mercenary, served as the head of security for Attuma Duum. In the year 22 BBY, he met his end in a duel against Shon-Ju, a renegade Force-sensitive, within Attuma Duum's headquarters.


Attuma Duum's friend and security chief was Sabat, a mercenary. He was tasked with hunting down Jedi Knight Aayla Secura on the moon Cavamina Minor during 22 BBY. He ambushed Secura and her Clone troopers, forcing her to retreat. Sabat then guided his mercenaries to the wreckage of Secura's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor, causing the Jedi to flee once more. While pursuing her into the forest, Sabat's group was ambushed by Shon-Ju, the rogue Force-sensitive, and his students. Taken aback, Sabat commanded his men to open fire on the newcomers, but the students charged forward and subdued the mercenaries. Shon-Ju eliminated a security droid before confronting Sabat, inquiring if he thought it was a good day for him to die. Sabat responded negatively, then activated his jetpack and made his escape.

While Shon-Ju tended to the wounded Secura on the moon, Sabat went back to Attuma Duum's headquarters. He then consulted with his employer. Secura and Shon-Ju later commandeered two abandoned bombers and flew to Duum's base, which was concealed in the asteroid field. They infiltrated the base in an attempt to arrest Duum, but Shon-Ju intentionally triggered the alarm. Secura utilized the Force to incapacitate the guards, but Sabat seized Shon-Ju as a hostage, threatening to kill him, which forced Secura to surrender. After they were imprisoned, Duum visited the two Force-sensitives and then departed to address other matters. Sabat remained to guard the prisoners, and Duum offered to provide him with a feed to watch the battle. As Sabat was distracted, Shon-Ju used his Force powers to escape. Sabat drew a blaster on him and declared he would not hesitate to killing Shon-Ju. Shon-Ju responded by throwing the mercenary into a turbine, resulting in an explosion that deactivated the station's shields. Shon-Ju then turned his attention to attacking Duum; Secura intervened in time to save Duum. She and Shon-Ju engaged in a struggle, and he was about to kill the Jedi when she severed his hands. The three combatants managed to escape before the station was destroyed by asteroid impacts.

Personality and traits

By the time of the Clone Wars, a scar marked his left eye. When faced with the choice of death or escape, Sabat chose to flee. He displayed a penchant for violence and readily threatened hostages. He took his position as Duum's chief of security seriously, and Duum considered him either paranoid or highly dedicated. Sabat wore armor similar to that of clone troopers' and carried a blaster pistol, and often used a jetpack. He wore his hair long, styled in braids, and draped a furry cape over his shoulders.

Behind the scenes

Sabat is a character in the 2010 graphic novella titled The Clone Wars: Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju. Brian Koschak was the artist who drew his appearance.

