Tyrus Brokenblade, a male Mandalorian warrior, served as the leader of Clan Varad during the third Galactic War. Representing his clan, he was a member of the Hidden Chain, an organization led by Heta Kol. He was also the nephew of Mavrix Varad.

In the year 3626 BBY, at the direction of Heta Kol, individuals from Clan Varad participated in an attack targeting the Mandalorian vessel Spirit of Vengeance II, collaborating with the Ash'ad and the Dar'manda. Subsequent to this assault, having successfully acquired the banner of Clan Cadera, Brokenblade convened with Heta Kol, Bask Sunn, and Durn Wynnward. A dispute arose between Brokenblade and Wynnward, but Kol swiftly intervened by producing a thermal detonator and hurling it towards Brokenblade. Managing to intercept the detonator and prevent its explosion, Brokenblade was then stabbed twice by Kol, who used this act to illustrate their mutual dependence. Kol then deactivated the thermal detonator. After this, members of Clan Varad came to Brokenblade's aid before he was dismissed to carry out his assigned tasks.
Later, Tyrus was present at a Hidden Chain assembly when Ri'kan Kateen rejoined the group, bringing his sister, Sa'har Kateen, a rogue Jedi Padawan, to meet Heta Kol.