The Tredway family existed in the waning years of the Galactic Republic and continued throughout the Imperial Period. Axton Tredway, a Jedi Knight, violated the tenets of the Jedi Code by falling in love with his future wife. This union resulted in two offspring: Erling and Dena.
Prior to the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Axton Tredway shared a secret with his acquaintance, Anakin Skywalker, revealing his family and their residence on 24 Tredway. Following Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's dismantling of the Republic and the subsequent destruction of the Jedi Order, Tredway sought refuge with his family in their home situated within the Sil'Lume asteroid belt. Skywalker—now the Sith Lord Darth Vader—utilized the information Tredway previously disclosed to launch an assault on 24 Tredway. Axton attempted to divert the Galactic Empire's attention by fleeing, but the family remained targeted, prompting Tredway's return. He successfully repelled the Imperial Military, only to face Vader himself shortly thereafter. In a duel between the former comrades, Tredway met his death at the hands of Vader.