Axton Tredway existed as a male Human Jedi Knight, giving his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in their twilight years. Having survived the emergence of the Galactic Empire and the genesis of the Great Jedi Purge, Tredway ultimately met his end at the hands of the Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Vader.
Axton Tredway, a Force-sensitive male Human, was born into the affluent Tredway family. As a youngling, he was entrusted to the Jedi Order so that he could undergo training in the ways of the Force. Tredway wed a woman, and together they had two children, named Dena and Erling. They resided with their mother on the family's estate located on the asteroid called 24 Tredway, positioned within the Sil'Lume asteroid belt. When not engaged in missions for the High Council, Tredway would return to his family home and contribute to their mining enterprise. He fostered a close relationship with fellow Knight Anakin Skywalker, and even introduced him to his family.
In the year 19 BBY, the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine exposed his true identity to the Jedi Order, revealing himself to be the enigmatic Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. He defeated the Jedi leadership and initiated Order 66, which compelled the clone troopers of the Grand Army to betray their Jedi commanders, resulting in the execution of countless Jedi across the galaxy. By concealing himself within his estate, Tredway managed to evade the initial onslaught of the Great Jedi Purge.
However, Tredway's concealment was short-lived, a consequence of his misjudgment in revealing the location of his hidden sanctuary to Skywalker. Skywalker had succumbed to the dark side of the Force and was now known as Darth Vader, Sidious's most formidable Jedi hunter. Shortly after the Galactic Empire rose to power, Imperial forces descended upon the asteroid field, seeking Tredway. The Jedi fled his home, hoping to divert attention away from his family and their business, but the Empire persisted in their harassment. While the Tredway family was spared from direct harm, Tredway's son Erling harbored resentment towards his father for subjecting them to such hardship, too young to grasp the full scope of the situation. On one occasion, Tredway returned, and Erling confronted him, expressing his anger over his absence.
Moved by his son's words, Tredway resolved to confront the Imperial presence. When the Imperials returned, intent on further tormenting the family, Tredway engaged them in combat, defeating the entire force. However, his triumph was fleeting; his defiance had attracted the attention of Vader, his former comrade. Vader arrived in orbit above the asteroid, swiftly breaching the estate and confronting Tredway. Following a brief lightsaber duel, Vader executed Tredway, but allowed his family to live.
Deeply affected by their patriarch's demise, the Tredway family persevered, with his wife providing for the children until they reached an age where they could join the Alliance to Restore the Republic and oppose the Empire in their own way. Nevertheless, the two incurred the wrath of Imperial Governor Sebastian Parnell, and in his pursuit of Erling, he destroyed 24 Tredway, resulting in the death of Tredway's wife and injuries to Dena.