Toro Irana

Toro Irana was a Pantoran Jedi Knight of the male persuasion, serving the New Jedi Order. He was the apprentice of Mander Zuma, a Jedi archivist.


In the year 19 ABY, Irana journeyed to Makem Te with the purpose of obtaining navigation data concerning the Indrexu Spiral. While there, at an unnamed restaurant, he was poisoned via a tainted bottle of wine. The unknown substance drove him into a state of insanity, leading him to kill six Swokes Swokes, one of whom was the nephew of a [Caliph]. Ultimately, he met his end by leaping through the restaurant's fortieth-floor window.

The Government of Makem Te lodged protests with the New Republic regarding this incident. Consequently, the Jedi dispatched Mander Zuma to uncover the reasons behind his former apprentice's demise. Simultaneously, Reen, the Pantoran's sister, began her own independent inquiry.

Personality and traits

Toro Irana, as his former master described him, was an apprentice known for being both impetuous and quick to anger.

Powers and abilities

During his time training on Yavin 4, Irana demonstrated significant aptitude in lightsaber combat. He developed a strong connection with his lightsaber, to such an extent that it felt like a natural extension of his own will. His master considered him to be an exceptionally skilled combatant, calling him a "superb warrior".

