Mika Anjiliac Chiera, a crime lord, was a Force-sensitive Dark Jedi Hutt belonging to the Anjiliac kajidic. As a male and one of the two children of Popara Anjiliac Diresto, Mika also had an Esral'sa'Nikto assistant called Orgamon.
Mika, the son of the Anjiliac kajidic leader Popara Anjiliac Diresto and the younger sibling of Zonnos Anjiliac Priare, entered the world before the New Republic was established. Following Popara's discovery of Mika's Force-sensitive nature, they decided to keep it a secret. Mika also yearned to acquire and practice with a lightsaber, but his initial attempts at constructing one were unsuccessful. Because of his species' inherent inclination towards clannishness, finding suitable training opportunities proved challenging. At some point, Mika engineered a potent spice, a derivative of glitterstim combined with a virus originating from the Hutt homeworld of Varl. He eventually named this new spice Tempest. Mika eventually manipulated Jedi Knight Toro Irana into becoming his trainer by addicting Irana to Tempest. He used this addiction as a means of control, as well as employing mind tricks to safeguard himself and influence others. After Irana's death from a Tempest overdose, his former mentor, the Jedi Knight Mander Zuma, journeyed to Makem Te seeking answers. Around this time, Mika lost contact with his father Popara shortly after a plague out broke on the planet.
Mander eventually located Mika and returned him to Popara. Mander observed that Mika was an unusual Hutt, appearing courteous, well-read, slender, and fluent in Basic. Shortly after Mika's return to Nar Shaddaa, he orchestrated his father's assassination, which led his brother Zonnos to enlist Parella the Hunter, a Huttese bounty hunter from the Jiramma clan, to uncover the murderer of Popara. Mika soon became Angela Krin's contact within the Anjiliac kajidic, and somehow convinced Krin to take up the job of finding the Tempest's creator and soon led her to Nar Shaddaa. However, when Mander suggested that Popara's "explosive death" was linked to the Tempest incident, Mika and his companions were attacked by Zonnos' mercenaries. Ultimately, Mika and Reen Irana were rendered unconscious and abducted by the mercenaries.
In the end, Mander rescued Mika and Reen, killing Zonnos in the process. Mika was then appointed as the kajidii of the Anjiliac clan. Mika then journeyed to Varl, the devastated original Hutt homeworld, to oversee the production of Tempest spice. Mander, Reen, Eddey, and Krin followed leads in the case and discovered Mika was the real mastermind on Varl. Mika then revealed to the group that he was Force-sensitive and how he successfully subdued Irana. A battle ensued, resulting in Mika's death.
Mika possessed the ability to use Force push, Force pull, mind tricks, and was beginning to show promise in lightsaber combat before his demise. As one of the rare Force-sensitive Hutts, and due to his species natural clannish tendencies, training options were few and far between.