Choka Chok

Choka Chok was a Swokes Swokes male, as defined in legends, who resided on the planet of Makem Te during the era of the New Republic. Being a member of a higher caste within the Swokes Swokes society, Chok was related to a caliph from the Congress of Caliphs, which served as the planetary government on Makem Te. During 19 ABY, Chok paid a visit to a restaurant located on Makem Te, where he accidentally bumped into the Pantoran Jedi named Toro Irana. Fueled by rage due to the influence of the spice known as Tempest, Irana angrily told the Swokes Swokes to watch where he was going, leading Chok to engage the Jedi in combat. Irana then utilized his lightsaber to sever Chok's forearm, and proceeded to decapitate the Swokes Swokes. Following this, the Jedi slew additional customers within the restaurant, before leaping from a window, resulting in his own death. Following the violent incident, the restaurant was temporarily shut down as a gesture of mourning, in remembrance of Chok's passing. The Congress of Caliphs lodged a formal protest with the New Republic concerning the New Jedi Order's involvement in Chok's demise, and the Order sent Mander Zuma, a Jedi archivist, to look into the reasons behind his apprentice's deadly rampage that resulted in Chok's death.

